September 4, 2024


there are a lot of things to be grateful for. alhamdulillah, Allah answers to my prayers. memang betul lah, Allah akan berikan pada hambanya apa yang hambaNya perlukan bila tiba masanya. banyak perkara yang aku patut bersyukur, about my son, my husband, our home, my daughter. thank you Allah for the granted prayers.

  • my son, Joey has finally submitted his FYP and his graduation ceremony will be in October or November 2024 - alhamdulillah syukur  - Degree in Psychology.
  • Tuan has completed his pilot training and alhamdulillah he is officially a pilot for APMM effective oct 2024. may Allah keeps him safe all the time in his duty.
  • We finally finished our home renovation in SP and completed ground floor and comfortable enough to stay/live in.
  • my daughter, Lisa and i have something in common is sports --> netball, yey!
Allahuakbar - syukur sangat2. am so happy. and now, to actually decide if/when we will be living in SP fully 😋

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