August 19, 2024

Tickets To Paradise - My Personal Review

well i am a lil bit bias coz i love  both of them. i have not been being myself lately. and somehow just now i just found this movie just added into my netflix. so i thought why not. it was about parents and their only daughter who somehow after graduation did the same thing like what they did when they were young ie got married early and i guess too young to understand what marriage is all about. 

what i love about the movie is the scenery -  it was in Bali and i really miss travelling. circumstances made me end up like where i ended up now. i miss being anywhere near the sea. i felt like i am being deprived with from what i enjoy most. *sigh

i miss travelling really bad. i wanna be able to do that soon - real soon please. ooh i have deviated from the original post. 

well, okay, the story is about a parent who was trying to ruin their daughter's wedding because they feel that their daughter is making a mistake. one thing that parents should not be doing is to mess with their children's life. let them make their own decision and face their own mistakes. let them learn themselves. stop making decision for them - stop interfering in their life(s).

i love this movie, love the actors and actresses and just love these kind of love stories, and family. go watch it on netflix while it is still there.

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