August 19, 2024

Happy or Not Happy?

how do you make yourself happy when you don't feel that way? urgghh.. i have not written anything for the past what... 3 months? and reason? busy? happily busy or unhappily busy? does it even make sense? actually you can choose how you see the world. you are the ones who define whether you want to be happy or not. 

people's level of happiness is different. i see housewives, being happy ironing their children's clothes. i know that is not my kind of happiness 😂 hehehe 😋 sorry not sorry but i am just not a housewife material. i see people happy going to the wet market like weee early in the morning - err i would rather be in bed cuddling. i see people enjoying or at least trying to enjoy their workplace and share them over their status. urrmm i know i am happy at the cat hotel and play with the residents cats and the flexibility time that i get not going to the usual 9 - 5 job thingy. 

so yeah, choose your own happy life, your own bubble. i am babbling - i don't know where i am heading right now. i should just sleep. eh wait!

i was reminded by someone that no matter where we are, and what situation we are in, always remember to be grateful and thankful to the Almighty of what He has granted us. and for that, i am truly grateful for having a comfortable places to stay in, food on the table, beautiful family, supportive husband, wonderful children, loving sisters... err.. hahah 😂 yes they are! alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. 

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