June 1, 2019

terawikh 2019

every year we will perform our terawikh at my parents' house. ustaz hasry will come and lead on weekdays and weekend we will be on our own, and that is when my dad will go to the mosque for terawikh. i enjoyed this every year and been looking forward for terawikh together. 

this year i had my ups and downs during ramadhan. it has been a pattern that i get admitted during 1st week of ramadhan. dont ask me how or why, it just happened. so this year i miss the first 2 weeks of terawikh. that is the downside of ramadhan this year, the up of ramadhan is when i get to celebrate with MrH. 

somehow Allah swt has been answering answered my prayers. that someday, i will get someone who can be the Imam for me and my family. and alhamdulillah, i got to know MrH last year, as we were friends first but we got into a more serious relationship early this year. there have been a lot of beautiful things happened this year despite the health challenges that i face too. i guess life is not always easy huh. God will not test those if they are not capable of handling things, and i believe supposed God knows i can handle it πŸ˜‰ MrH has always put a smile on my face. he has his own charm and coolness and calmness in all situation. and since when did i became so dependent on him here? 😏 only since i am not well i guess. and being dependent on others is just not me. but sometimes, in life, we have to accept certain situation. when joey is around i am much dependent on him too, although joey can be quite an impatient person. πŸ˜€ especially when he drives. 

anyway, MrH was in KL before hari raya and he get to have iftar and terawikh with my family this year. unfortunately i can't pray already when he is in KL. uzur daaa.. πŸ˜‹sayang, tak dapat nak terawikh sama2. insyallah, there will be more terawikh for us together as family. i was at the dining table after iftar, and normally, kalamsclan will perform isya' berjemaah. i planned to go somewhere with MrH, but we have time for terawikh. and while i was playing with my phone, i heard a familiar voice as imam. i got up quickly and saw him as the Imam for my parents during terawikh. Allah je yang tau perasaan aku at that time. i am so happy and thankful. i hope, this will continue in the future and we get more chances to pray together as family. insyaallah.. 

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