October 6, 2017

blind dates

so, my sister has been arranging me with blind dates. and she has been asking me if i am interested to know single man. at first i was tired of her questions and finds it annoying. but somehow since the past 2 weeks, i kinda go with her games. hahahah 🙂so, yeah she has like not 1 but few men in her list. and somehow i told her, yeah why not. i am open for friendship - no problem. and plus it is quite interesting to know new people - and different age group. somehow i have been attracting the younger men. lol 😀 some can be mature - some can be like they want to take advantage and some can be loving and caring etc etc. so, now i am not sure if these men's character goes with their age or not.

so, yeah.. it is some new excitement that i am looking forward to. and right now, i am enjoying my single life. and to be with my friends, myself, my own home, and etc etc. no one to answer to, don't have to ambik hati siapa2 except my kids and my parents. and i longed for a mature and yet fun conversation.

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