October 13, 2017

Fitness Party - 90 mins ZUMBA & UJAM Fitness

 Register: Click Here
First of all we call it a party coz it is going to be fun doing the fitness regime like in parties. It is not those wild party if you are worry about the name. hehehe :D anyway, yeah we will be having a combination of ZUMBA Fitness and UJAM Fitness with 4 instructors combined. there may be more who wants to chip in, I don't know but maybe we will have that. 

And as for the past 3 years, JAMU MAK DARA has been generous enough to contribute some of their awesome products as door gifts to ALL participants. and the last time they contributed, the door gift was worth RM200 per person. this year i am not sure what products, but let us have some surprises okay. 

So, come on everyone, don't be shy and join this fun and breaking calories event. Register online at http://www.heyjom.com/events/details/440/90-minutes-dance-party--zumba-vs-u-jam or get it from the instructors invloved if you know them personally. 

 Register: Click Here

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