April 12, 2013

shopping mode

either something is bothering me or i am just in a shopping mode. i am just so happy today because i found the shoes that i wanted... almost bought 2 pairs because they have 2 colours. but thinking that i have 2 pairs of black shoes already... cancelled my plan.. errmm.. or... i will just sleep on it, and decide over the weekend. :p hahaha

i bought a piece of white dress for my party tomorrow... and the problem started because got to buy few other things.. which don't think i wanna mention here. one of them is a pair of shoes to match with a white dress... went round the whole alpha angle yesterday with lisa, but found nothing :(

and today, went to mid vall for lunch, not even 5 minutes, i saw the shoes that i wanted... so, tried my size and yey!!
i had this pair before... but either i lost them or i threw them away...
just like above but a different colour :) best tak? :p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

~ huh..abehkan duit lg kan kan kan.. :P