November 1, 2012

my dilemma

hmmm okay... after that mixed feelings that i have, i do have other issues as well. and gotta mix my language here too coz tgh, i don't know what to say feelings also. tengah bengong la kiranya. okay here goes.. sekarang aku tengah lapar gila babi!! sorry for the language... kalau korang under age baca, sorry ye... i am just rambling here.

anyways, coming back to kelaparan... kan aku tengah buat transformation on myself. so this is just one of the challenges lah. sebab masih awal kut... so, that is normal i suppose. i have been going to the gym for almost 2 weeks in a row.. or was it 1 week? kenapa aku rasa macam dah lama eh? and i stopped because kaiser demam. biasa lah dia... kalau la PT tu lah PT, dia lah laki, dia lah teman tido.. memang la kan... *nak salahkan PT lah ni*... well, yeah... that's what happened, serious... kalau demam dia boleh je mengajar student lain tapi tidak aku ni... so, aku pun terasa lah terbiar... 

okey... let's drop the nonsense... sekarang ni aku tunggu la mood dia ok balik... *sebenarnya dia merajuk dengan aku pun ya jugak...hahaha* tapi aku tak kira... bukan aku tak kasi dia nak pergi... tapi niat tu kena betul lah kan... ahh malas nak cakap pasal tu...

angan2 ku!!
sekarang back on my meal plan... aku try makan 5 kali sehari tu, dengan makan portion yang kecik2... tapi sebab baru try kut... so tengah agak haywire... semalam aku try dengan bahagi 2 subway aku... dah la cuma 1/2 kaki... aku bahagi dua lagi... tak ke mengamuk perut aku?? then aku makan kul 230pm and next meal at 630pm... hancuss!!! perut aku meragam!! and sampai je rumah parents aku, aku melantak nasi dengan sup ayam 1 pinggan penuh pukul 830pm!! dah la tak exercise langsung sebab busy lari ke sana ke mari... and guess what??? with this posting, i slept at 930pm last night!!

so, here goes.... aku tak boleh biarkan benda ni berlarutan.. petang ni aku mesti buat sesuatu... i must run!!! at least... hmmm pukul berapa pulak aku boleh sampai rumah kan?? or maybe i should run first then only pick up my kids? hemmm that looks like a plan :)

tolong lah aku.... bagi lah aku semangat!! :(


Snuze said...

Diet is DIE with a T. But you are to be commended for expanding a lot of effort, Kak Ain.

I was just wondering, is all this effort for the purpose of better health or better waistline? Cos I think your waistline is perfectly fine and you seem to be blooming in health.

However, if this is very important to you, I wish you all the best! Jangan patah semangat!

Ain Kalam said...
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Ain Kalam said...

sorry babe lambat reply.. dok busy upload videos :p

the effort is based on better health and also as we chat last raya at my mom's house, i love to experiment my own body. :) see how far it can go!

thanks for the motivation, i am not giving up, insyaAllah although, it ain't easy :)