November 2, 2012

my baby got 'hit and run'!

first of all to the person who bang into my car and ran... you are such an asshole and coward!! if you are a man, you really have no balls!! and if you are a woman, you'd better just keep your car at home and walk...blardy biatch!! 

okay, done with exploding... :p 

now, remember yesterday when i was so excited to go to the gym after work? well, i did... until when i reached the parking lot... i saw my car was dented!! and scratched!! i was stunned for a few seconds... (it showed on the police' cctv) heheeh :D and the 1st person i called was wids... hmmm.. adehhh... it hurts my heart so deep you know :p *drama mode*

ye lah... so all my plan to go to the gym crashed as i need to be at the police' room to view from see the cctv.. well actually from outside glass window coz i am not allowed to enter the police' room. ok lah.. whatever... what is done, cannot be undone... cctv cannot see the person who crashed into my car. so i guessed i just need to bear the cost which is of course painful for me :"(

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