January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

huh.... its 2009 already?? wow... how time flies!! was i really looking forward for the new year? honestly, i was not really thinking about it. different from last year where we had a party at the guesthouse. this year, we had a family dinner organized by my sister, N3. an appreciation dinner she called it for the family who has worked hard for her engagement last 25th dec, 2008. :) so, okay lah we had free dinner. food was great!! love it. and later kaiser, joelis and i waited for the fireworks at our apartment... i've caught a few shots of video in my handphone but i am too lazy too upload them :)

and guess what, i started a new blog - concentrating on issues towards the big day... hahaha LOL... well, i was just practising on using wordpress actually. and that blog needs registration to those who wants to read it. so, people, if you want to know/read the blog (have to warn you - havent got that much written on it yet) please send me an email and i will invite you as a reader. :) that is more of our diary.

kaiser moved some of his things into our apartment already. we tried to rearrange some of the things in the apartment like the tv, home theatre system, console table that has become kaiser's office table... hmmmmpphh, but somehow they dont seemed that right. hmmmphh... maybe after we have a sofa, it will be easier. ya... ya... we dont have a sofa yet... coming.. coming... we are having tough time to decide on types of sofa to get, the color etc... and of course, the price too! :P oh yes, last weekend i had the contractors to come and help drill some holes on the wall for me to hang the frames. :) now the apartment looked a lil bit cosy-er than before.. and thanks to the maid who also helped a lot.. gosh i am so spoilt! :P

what else... ohh... its maghrib, i better shower and solat.... to be continued... ;)


Wafa Nokman said...

Nak access, please?

Ain Kalam said...

kejap ehh... lemme invite you :)

Unknown said...

I pon nak pleassshh :( (dollahsalleh73@gmail.com)