November 2, 2020

Be Aware of Your Health Condition

i had a scary or more of a panic situation last friday night [30 Oct 2020]. i had late solat isya' on that day. and i have been getting migraine for the past few weeks and i will take my pain killer, every alternate days when i can't stand the pain. so last friday, after prayers, i had chest pain. which i had it few days back but not too severe. last friday it was different, it was more uncomfortable and followed by numbness on my left wide side of my face. oh shoot.. don't tell me this is a sign of stroke!

so i slowly got out up from the sejadah, folded my telekung and stuff and lie down on the bed and video called AH. told him how i felt. and i guess for someone so far away, his expression was helpless. what can he do if in case of emergency? it was already midnight, and when i texted both of my kids, there was no response. so i told AH i will just sleep on it - although at that time i was getting slight anxiety. 

[31 Oct 2020] alhamdulillah i managed to get a good almost 6 hours of sleep and in the morning, the numbness is gone. still have the chest pain. texted AA who lives nearby. alhamdulillah for having such caring friends around me. she came to the house and brought me to the clinic. did ECG test, it was fine, just that with family history and although i do my best to eat and live a healthy lifestyle, stress level and age do count. so i got a referral letter to go to ER, PCMC. well, not something that i am proud of. but you gotta do what you need to do, right?

it was kinda funny when i arrived at ER and told the nurse why i was there, she took a wheelchair and asked me to sit in a wheelchair. 

"eh, i ok lah, i boleh jalan" 

"tak apa puan, sebab puan ada masalah jantung" 

"err... " malu lah aku wehh but then again maybe itu SOP diorang, so i won't argue lah kan. 

to cut story short, another ECG was done and they did a full blood test for me, everything was okay, except cholesterol a bit higher than usual. 😋 ok ok got to reduce on seafood. so the MO asked me to go for a follow up with my cardiac doctor on monday. 

[2 Nov 2020] so, here i am again at pcmc, stayed back coz i managed to get an appointment at 2pm after my physio. alhamdulillah, Allah made it easier for me. 

did stress test twice because asalnya he requested for CT Scan but since i am on my own and personal insurance do not cover outpatient, i ask for other option.

the doctor was kind enough to offer 2nd stress test as he was not happy with the first one. after another session, my doctor was happy with my result and so am i. so he said, the chest pain could be just muscle and i should monitor the numbness if it occurs again. 

so, i am back on my feet! alhamdulillah!!

ya Allah please make me well again, i have so many unresolved plans ahead of me. dear readers, doakan for me too ok!

so i wrote down all the things that i am grateful for and yeah.. alhamdulillah sangat.

do visit my gratitude journal. and why not do it for your self too!

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