my princess was talking to me on the way home after fetching me from my physio appointment. she was talking, or more of expressing her thoughts of what to do or on what to decide for her next music instruments adventure. after all the options or thoughts that she 'luahkan', i asked her all the questions using the method that i learnt during the above course. the idea is, to understand what she actually wanna do and interest her. as soon as she started to drop all the ideas/questions to herself, i managed to compile all those questions to make her aware of what she is really interested in and what she wants to do next. aku dah tersengih dalam hati. bezanya, tak ada lah aku buat intro macam coaching session and ending with the proper agreement which kalau in a real coaching session, semua tu kena guna pakai.
tujuan utama aku menuntut ilmu coaching memang ini pun - supaya aku dapat rapatkan hubungan aku dengan anak2. supaya aku dapat lebih memahami apa yang they have gone through and are going through as a result of growing up in a broken family. going back to my previous posting about this course, "change your life - if you want to be your best, this is for you" alhamdulillah, aku dah achieve my objective.
kalau korang nak tahu lebih lanjut in terms of technicality of the course, aku akan share apa yang rakan2 aku tulis about this course. i will share the links at the end of this posting. cara kitorang share berbeza, dah orang pun berbeza, kan 😋 so yeah, aku suka bercerita cara aku. aku akan kaitkan dengan how this course helped me a lot in our relationship - me and my children.
the recent conversation pulak was with my prince. well, for the past few days, my prince has been staying at home with me. hati aku lebih tenang bila he is with me after an incident that happened last saturday. [not gonna talk about that now]. we use the times that we have now together to talk about lots of things. perkara2 yang tak settle dalam hidup anak aku yang selama ni dia pendam. using the techniques that i learnt during the course has actually helped him to come to a, sort of decision on what he has to do next. mesti korang macam tak puas hati kan baca sebab korang nak tau apa decision tu. but this is coaching la. kena ada trust between coach & coachee, yang mana, apa yang di bincangkan adalah rahsia. so yeah, alhamdulillah, i am a happy mom. i am a happy person. although sekarang aku masih belum ada peluang untuk betul2 ada proper coaching session, aku happy sebab i am an improved person than i used to be in terms of communicating with my children. and bila joey cakap...
"yeah i feel comfortable talking to you"
i have 3 coaches, coach ija, coach ina and last but not least coach kak hajar to be thankful to, who passed to us all their knowledge about coaching. 💗💗💗
one of the highlights of the final part of the course was on the presentation of Habit 3 from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. all of us got the chance to choose our topic. and i chose the one that is related to what/where i am at that point of time. hahaha 😁 nak gelak dulu boleh tak?? no, i am not a procrastinator. 😋 so my presentation was about Put First Things First. korang boleh google sendiri lah explanation dia. but yang bestnya with all of us kena present, we finished the whole book in about a few hours in class. aku nak baca the whole book, sampai buku aku dah berkulat kut..
~~ iklan pulak - joey needed me ~~
ok sambung balik.. bila time assessment most of us nervous, mula2 aku rasa chill je.. tapi dah dekat time aku tu cuak jugak. mana la tau kan kut tetiba dah semua yang patut aku ingat or tanya tak terkeluar dari mulut aku. but it was fun la being with the group. macam2 kerenah boleh aku perhati kan. dah lama kut tak keluar belajar sama2.
at the end of the day, before aku masuk bilik assessment tu, my goal is to help my coachee to get ideas out of her mind which, i did helped her.. yey! 😁 ok la, masa tu memang la aku harap sangat coach kak hajar yang masuk bilik assessment dengan aku coz ada la rasa macam kuat sikit. but then aku fikir balik, nanti in the future takkan aku nak heret kak hajar to my coaching session kan? 😋 apa2 pun aku kena kuat and buat menda ni sendiri. kena ada kepercayaan pada diri sendiri - which i did well. alhamdulillah. and i was so glad that coach kak hajar was with me during the assessment.
ayat yang aku selalu akan ingat from coach ina, "you do you, you be yourself while coaching others" or something like that lah ayat dia. and yes, ayat tu insyaallah akan terpahat dalam kepala otak aku yang aim aku is whenever someone come for coaching session with me, he/she will feel at ease & selesa bercakap dengan aku.
i am so happy and grateful sebab i get to know new people. and which during that time memang all of us were being open to each other. memang sessi air mata jugak lah. but yeahh.. good memories, good experience. and from this class jugak, memang ternyata setiap individu ada kisah hidup diorang tersendiri yang kadang kala they wanna keep it to themselves and be strong or seemed strong on the outside for others to see. sebab itu la jugak, kita jangan jadi judgemental kat orang lain.
aku dah buntu tak tau nak tulis apa sebab sebenarnya sekarang ni aku not in the right state of mind, but assignment kena habiskan. **sigh** so glad AH is with me right now.. these days..
so korang, these are the 2 links that i got being shared by the new certified coaches 😀
at the end of the session before we say goodbye, all of us were given the opportunity to touch the ACC badge which will be our next step, insyaallah and visualize our future to be in 2023. so below was what i visualize for myself in both line that i want to expand in. helping people in getting back their health & to find themselves for their own development.
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