October 19, 2020

2nd Place Daily Closing Challenge

19 Oct 2020: My text for today's sharing. I think it is good to keep these in my blog for me to reflect back my journey when I have become a success entrepreneur. 😂 I have one more that I will share in a few days. Stay tuned!! 

Hi Good Morning everyone. My name is Ain Kalam and at the moment I am a leisure retiree and also a Zumba Instructor for the past 7 years. I have been in the corporate line for 24 years before I chose to take up VSS to be able to do Nu Skin full time.

When I first introduced to Nu Skin many years ago when Galvanic Spa started, I wasn't interested because the timing was not right. I was introduced again to Nu Skin in 2019 after my dive accident and that was when I decided to jump on board and I am so grateful because on this decision I am with all the wonderful, strong and DDMMI leaders of Success Together!! Alhamdulillah! It is the right time to be with the right team. 

I am always a networker and have been with other MLM companies before, but before embark in Nu Skin, I actually studied the background of the co, the strength and the scientist work behind its success. It was originally for my retirement plan but as I go along attending meetings at Publika and even online after the pandemic, ST always give the positive vibes & encouragement to all its members and business builders.  

WHY NUSKIN and HOW DID I BREAKTHRU? Because of long term goal that I want to achieve. I want to have my time freedom to spend with my husband & my 2 young adult children. To go to more holidays with my parents. It is my dream to be one of the top leaders in Nu Skin, to be able to help many people in achieving greater health. On the financial freedom, it will come into place insyaallah.  MLM with the right company gives us good compensation plan and eventually financial freedom with exponential growth of income with the right team. I have been in E & S quadrant and I understand and experienced it, now with ST in Nu Skin, with the system in place, money will work for you. 

For yesterday’s closing was with my son's roomate. He is in his 2nd year of Degree in Psychology at Cyber Uni. I have been talking to him abt Nu Skin. He wasnt that sceptical about MLM. He was concerned at first and do not want me to get cheated. I feel like I just need to educate him more and share all the success stories and let him process and absorb. He is however convinced with the products because he sees results on his aunt (my sister Adude) and especially his 81-year-old Atok who looks really fresh and young for his age. (the one with a cap) Not forgetting how I have become much healthier since I took AgeLOC products. 

I am so happy and grateful when I shared the ABC and 123 plans with my son and his roommate yesterday. They both were happy and excited because right now they can’t do the part time job due to RMCO and they see this as an opportunity. My short-term dream is to make my son and his friend the next top achievers at the age of 20 or maybe 21 coz 2021 is just around the corner, for them to see that this business is real! His friend already started wanting to help his parents, my son wants to help his gf and so forth. It is all started about helping those who are close to you. 

Last but not least I wish to thank all my uplines Adude, Shireen, Widar, Kak Tun and also the amazing Dawn & Ichiro for not giving up on me 😘😘 I love all of you. [time baca ni I had tears in my eyes already ~ they are such wonderful leaders]

One thing I remembered from last Saturday BS1 and want to share with all of you, "In this business there is no failure, only those who gives up!"

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