July 4, 2019

Welcome "Upin"

2nd July 2019: the day "upin' was born. he is the 9th grandchild for my parents. yes.. a boy! our family ramai girls sebab tu nak boy lagi. originally there was supposed to be upin & ipin but unfortunately Allah swt has decided not to let ipin to stick around. so, tinggal lah upin. 

N4 yang preggy and aku rasa she had quite a challenging experience during her pregnancy. muntah dari awal sampai end of pregnancy. jenuh jugak lah. and her selera makan very limited. dia pun bebel and maki hamun tu - kena sabar je lah telinga siapa yang mendengar. not necessarily maki hamun about her pregnancy but other things happening around her. 

anyway, yesterday i went to visit upin. hahha 😁 memang la macam yaya.. so kalau orang kata adik yaya pun boleh diterima.  

presenting 'UPIN"! today dah selamat sunat... hehehe 😁

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