AKO Car Rental by GreenMatrix

AKO Car Rental by GreenMatrix
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November 21, 2018

no regrets

and i don't regret it
itu je nak bagitau kat sini
tak tau and tak mau tulis lebih2
enjoy the ride, the friendship, the whatever ship there is for us to travel together
no one knows what is written for us except Him
but, yeah... 

haaa... suka la tu.. cer teka... cer teka... sis tulis pasal siapa?
pasal sesaper lah.. pasal A, pasal B, pasal C, pasal D?
haa amik kau... apa2 pun for now, something like dah kena pasak, ha gitu lah.. kut

good night, and sweet dreams... may we meet in our dreams...fuhhh.. jiwang kau!

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