January 1, 2018

Welcome 2018 - KL International New Year Run 2018

this is actually a compilation of my ig postings. nampak tak betapa i want to keep my blog updated?  i miss blogging really but i am sort of messy and can be said as koyak in a way.. not that koyak koyak but some sort lah. and i didnt want my blog to be a sad one coz at the same time i have a lot of nice things going on around me. so, please be patience and read on. For more photos, you can click on this link.

We encourage each other and became better and better. Through the friendship we learn that sometimes we didnt realise that we can do more than we think. In our fitness lifestyle, age is just a number, our friendship grows from 2series, 3series & 4series  All we need to do is just believe that we can, work for it and we shall achieve our goals.

I sort of started to run again last year after 8 years not running (7km in 2008). No, I am not a runner  I run for fun. Somehow I did it again last year for ACKU Charity run in 2017 and I felt like..bila nak sampai ni? Today I ran again for 5km and I kinda like it. I did 5km for 50mins  heheheh and I feel good. Looks like I am going to start collecting running medals now?
just before flag off at 7.30am today. thank you adik for running with me although only for errmm 10mins before you sprint 🤣🤣

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