June 27, 2014

my training plans in ramadhan

okay... let's see if this works... hahaha (belum apa2 gelak dulu). yes yes.. people have been saying that i put on weight... blardy people... akakakaka :D but, it's ok.. yes i gained weight.. i became bloated due to water retention so the doctor said. i have not been drinking enough water, that i know... so.. everything expanded. so, here goes... my plan during ramadhan. 

every year we will break our fast at my parents' house and continue with terawikh. lately i have been too busy and packed with zumba classes. i just can't wait for ramadhan as i needed a break... to slow down a lil bit. joelis' tuition classes will be delayed than their normal time.. ermm they have tuition 3 times a week, so that 3 times a week, while waiting for them to finish their class i will go to the gym for my weights training - my target is to get back my actual ideal weight with a toned body before i start back on my daily zumba classes! yeahhh that seems to be a good plan. 

3 times a week of weights training + 1 time zumba... looks like a good plan.. huh? 

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