September 12, 2011

our 1st open house 2011

..after many2 years having open house at my parents' place, this year, we had our own.. food was delicious.. coming from my mom's kitchen ;) it was fun looking at our guests enjoying the food .. menu was laksa penang & nasi tomato with ayam masak merah + ayam goreng rempah... and by 130pm... food is finishing.. alamak... panic attack.. hahaha :D LOL... called my mom.. and she was preparing the 3rd menu... nasi impit + kuah masak!! thank you mama... you are the best!!

was it kalut? ure demm right it was at the earlier stage... challenges... masyaAllah... but after guests came.. alhamdulillah, we are getting the hang of it.. next time...(cheywaaahh) it'll be better :) most importantly, guests enjoyed the food :) enjoy the pics... some of the guests who came that day... my own camera?? hmm towards the end, we did snap some picture.. and guess what, we forgot to take our own family photo in our own house! hmmmm :(

kaiser & his guests


Unknown said...

~ ala rugi nyer..patot lisa leh jadik tukang amek gambo masa nih..dan patOtnyer..gambo masa open hse musti bannnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkk akak nyer..takkan manyak nih jeks..??

~ sorik eh kak tk dpt dtg..rasa cam rugi takpe la..

~ cene ngan lagu raya..?? manage to dload byk tak..??

Ain Kalam said...

itu la orochi... tak sempat nak bergambor... si lisa dgn kwn2 dia boleh la.. dia lepaks ajer.. kak ain nak kena jumpa sumer org.. make sure food cukup.. and meja2 clear... rasa macam tokeh restaurant pun ada gaks... hehehe :D tapi seronok lah... boleh buat lagi ni :P