August 28, 2011

aku tak rela

if by sending my daughter to a religious course means i will be further apart with her, aku tak rela... 
if by doing so, makes her talk back to the elderly, and thinks that whatever that she has been lectured in a 2 days and 1 night course is perfect and made her how she is now, aku tak rela...
this is the 2nd time, the interference happened in my family and there will not be a 3rd time... i was stupid... and i have learned.. 
a mom's love cannot be defined... how can she feels that it means almost nothing? i am very very sad... and i hate this changes... 


Anonymous said...

assalammualaikum, i am a read ur blog n i like 2 read it lots of time. sister, sory but mayb she does nt chenge bcoz of course but mayb becos of hidayah frm allah swt??? if u feel distence y dun u go n follow her so u can b closer to ur daugter n allah ;-) she is nt supose to talk bak tat is wrong. but wat did she say?? mayb has truth in it??? islam is a beutiful way of life and teches peace. apprcitae islam completly n nt juz some parts sister. i m sry if i hv offnded u i dont mean tat. assalammualaikum may allah bless u

Anonymous said...

oh ya sister forgiv ur daugter evn if she do not say sorry. salaam, sumayya a.

Ain Kalam said...

Waalaikumsalam Sumayya.

Thank you for being my blog reader. Islam is a beautiful religion and teaches us to love everyone. Does by being closer to Allah swt makes a daughter more distance to her own mother alright to some muslims? Well, I do not agree to that. And I do not agree with some muslims who uses ways to scare to teach the youngsters and obviously that is not the way to attract the youngsters. It hurts me when my daughter is no more cheerful as before... does the religion make people who follows so gloomy?? I dont think so... at the end of the day.. as a mother, I'd choose my own way to bring her up and teach her the right way, by not hurting other people in this planet. I may not be perfect muslim but I don't hurt other people.. and I don't degrade other people who does not practice.

Ain Kalam said...

Dear Sumayya,

Somehow i feel that i owe you an apology... :) thank you for your comments. Just so that you know, my daughter and i have a beautiful mother daughter relationship after we talked about the changes. and alhamdulillah, i am accepting it with an open heart :)