March 19, 2025

Open Order Biskut Raya

ni semua gara-gara i start buat biskut raya untuk family. every day year memang i main kuih tunjuk jer. tak de masa or tak de hati pun nak buat sendiri. but somehow sebab TH punya favorite is arab suji, i decided to buat sendiri dengan my mom jadik mentor. 

aleh-aleh, tau je lah my mom kan, dia tambah, "ain buat la sekali, almond suji & kacang mazola. bahan dah siap beli!"  aku pun terus, baik lah, saya menurut perintah. somehow i find that buat biskut raya ni macam healing therapy pulak. and bila i start atur biskut raya kat my table top, my cleaners tanya if i want to sell. so secara tetiba... i buka order 😂

arab suji

kacang mazola (i punya)

TH tolong sapukan kuning telur

boleh isi from 45pcs and above

bentuk ni yang for customers

harum 1 rumah wehh 😍

so begitu lah ceritanya macamana i boleh open order. for now i open sampai 23 mac 2025, lepas tu terus buat biskut. 

Nampak sedap? Boleh lah terus order 😉

Promo Duo RM70/set (Arab Suji & Kacang Mazola)

Terus isi borang order --> ORDER SINI

February 20, 2025

Kelas Inang 2025

Saw a few postings on Tik Tok about a malay traditional dance taught by a teacher called Mdm Soo Ming, or fondly known as Aunty Soo Ming. I decided to send a message and I managed to register for Kelas Inang with another 19 other students. The unique part about this class is, you need to be above 50 to join. 😁

We have 4 + 1 session and it was fun and not as easy as we see people dancing to the rhythm. On the last day, we supported Teacher Soo Ming on a video shoot for Ensure Gold 😁

Me and Teacher Soo Ming on
1st day of class

February 10, 2025

Back to Group Fitness Instructor

I have decided to discontinue my membership with Zumba.Com. However whenever I feel like dancing, I might just hold a short session - perhaps, still with latin music. latin dance is still in me, just that since I do not have the time to hold a full class, I decided to discontinue. 

I have been a Licensed Zumba Instructor since 2013 and a Certified Group Fitness Instructor since 2012. And my GFI doesn't expire. Right now I am focusing in my Wellness Coaching with the current amazing technology and to help people grow old healthy and feel amazing!

I am also learning Malay Traditional dance - perhaps will be doing some dance performance with a new group of friends. Something that I wanted to do for a long time and alhamdulillah I got the opportunity. Perhaps I will share more on the malay traditional dance class in a later posting.

February 5, 2025

My Mischa

Aku ni bab² pasal Mischa memang sangat sensitif. Lately aku risau sebab kat bahagian peha kiri Mischa makin nipis bulu dia. Dulu mula² tengok kat kiri kanan kepala dekat telinga. Then, kat ekor pun start hilang bulu. Mula² aku ingatkan fungus, tapi tak ada pun titik hitam, just makin nipis. 😟 

Mischa tido kat tempat solat.. apa pesen entah 

Aku suspect dia stress, maybe sebab pindah rumah lain. Part ni yang aku paling risau, risau kalau Mischa sedih or tak happy coz dia tak pandai nak voice out. Ye la kan, nama pun kucing.. kita boleh agak² je apa yang dia meow kan. 

Orang lain nak kata apa pun, kata lah but just don't hurt Mischa. Even kalau Mischa scratch sofa, TH tinggikan suara kat dia, aku yang terasa. And bila TH "Oy" kan Mischa, aku tegur TH. She has a name and she knows her name is Mischa. 😪

Last night, Mischa was on our bed. Maybe dia rindu aku sebab we slept in RGE on monday night. And before that she ran sebab aku spray ubat kat peha dia. And when TH wanted to get in bed, he was holding up 2 pillows. Masa tu Mischa was in our bed, and because TH's action was abrupt, Mischa thought he wants to hit her with the pillows or he wants to play. So Mischa was shocked and acted like a cat who was shock lah kan. And TH got upset and scolded her macam benci sangat dengan Mischa at that time. I may get over reacted or exaggerated his actions, but I was sad. 😔 I just cannot lah. 

February 2, 2025

Great Weekend and My Tiny Home Dream

Dah macam post holiday mood rasanya. My parents beriyer sangat nak tido kampong. So N1 booked a homestay in Ijok, Kuala Sgor. Although my mom pm'd me and ask if I wanna join for sleep over, tak berani nak confirm because tak sure if TH wanna sleep over. Ye lah i pun tak tau how he feels about my kg kan. Although he is on leave, he might have his own thing that he wants to do.

Anyway on Friday itself tiba² TH dapat tau dia off day. I have done my invoices sampai settle Jan 2025. So lepas tu memang bosan giler mengadap ceiling 😂

End up I looked at waze and check the distance from our home to the homestay. Ohh tak jauh pun.. 29 min jer 😅😅 so took the courage to ask TH if we can join my parents and N3's family.

So I filled up Mischa's food for 1 night and a bit more.. and off we go. To cut story short, we end up 2 nights at the kg, sampai memang i keep on checking Mischa's kibbles on cctv till the last piece. Hehee sian Mischa puasa kejap la pagi ahad tu. 

Yaya had fun fishing with my dad. Seronok tengok Yaya so happy. My dad pun happy la ada cucu teman dia mancing.

Bila dah tengok pengusaha homestay macam tempat we stayed tu, start la berangan and i asked a lot about how much he invested to have such a comfortable house. Just nice lah the size. 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, a yard at the back to dry clothes and also cute size of dining area and living area.

But if I have the cash to do one, i would build like a country home. Well actually I have already have in mind that my apartment in Setiawangsa, I want to redo the apartment coz I felt like the kitchen is too long and waste of space 😆.

I found this picture on FB and I wish some day my dream will come true. My dream porch 😁🥰

Updated [10 Feb 2025]

I can't sleep so I am updating this posting. The above posting was posted using my phone. So now I am using the laptop. 

The last night in kampong, my mom and aunt decided to have dinner at Kolam Pancing Mile 7, Ijok, Kuala Selangor. Actually kesian jugak dekat Yaya sebab petang tu dia mancing tak dapat ikan, mancing kat parit depan rumah arwah Wak Mos (my dad's older brother). But somehow, Yaya ni kan is so positive. She was sad but she said, "It's okay, tak ada rezeki"

But ye la, budak, kan. So I told her that during dinner she can try to mancing udang galah pulak. She was excited again. But I reminded her that fishing ni, kadang dapat, kadang tak dapat, so she kena chill la. 😁 And she was. 

That night, sekejap-sekejap TH temankan, then my dad. Somehow, TH pun rajin jugak temankan Yaya kat tepi kolam tu. And sekali sekala, he took over the fishing rod.

Malam tu pun Yaya tak dapat udang, except 1 yang atok tangkap pakai tangan je sebab udang tu dah kat tepi kolam je.😂

Bila dah balik rumah sendiri that Sunday morning, terus terasa macam post holiday syndrome. Padahal dekat je pun dalam 30minit dari rumah sendiri. 😁

January 20, 2025

Weekend Cleaning

Macam dah lama tak update pasal rumah kitorang kan? So far sekarang ni kalau orang tanya "dah pindah ke?" We would answer ''Dah"  but we have not given up our house in wangsa maju. sebab we will be there every now and then whenever we feel like we want civilization. i don't know, there are is something about our home in SP that we couldn't quite get adjusted yet.

so anyway, last weekend i made TH and i to cleaned the room that he uses to put all his uniforms and working clothes. well, baju aku pun ada la jugak sebab we haven't done our wardrobe yet. so we only brought all the clothes that we would wear on a daily basis. itu pun dah nak penuh rak baju weh. my eyes sakit kut tengok almari kotak 😂 tried to sabar but i guess can't take it any longer. bak kata idriz "i dowan sabar"😋

so, TH had to install assemble the IKEA rack that we bought from my friend. rearranged the room so that it doesn't look like a store. 

although i want it meant to be for joey, but then again, why should would i put a name on the room when i don't know when/if my son is coming back to stay with us. so, i guess let it just be another spare room to whomever wanna sleep over. 

TH bought a double rack, cantik jugak and looked sturdy and strong. so we put it in our master bedroom sebab the current one, cannot hold all our clothes. 

today finally our cupboard arrived. berat gila wehh 39kg and kena pasang sendiri. so now tak tau la, nak kena tunggu contractor kut untuk pasang almari tu sama2 sebab maha berat. 

for now, buat yang takat mana mampu and tak serabutkan mata and otak. sebab aku rasa banyak lagi benda aku or we both nak fikir sekarang. 

another dream or lets just call it a wish lah. tak la susah mana nak call it a dream. i always wanted a mihrab in our home. a space where it will be specially dedicated for prayers. cuma, belum berapa jadi lagi, still in progress. now we have our mihrab in progress in our family room upstairs. luas and senang untuk solat berjemaah. 

aku beli kayu ala2 bertingkat tu supaya mudah alih and tak payah nak paku kan ke dinding. nanti tengok lah kalau aku rasa tak kemas, i will use it for the guest room untuk gantung towel ke, macamana. and oh that S sofa is actually N1 punya, dia suka beli tapi tak de tempat nak letak. so dia letak kat rumah kitorang. kitorang terima je. 😎

i learned that kalau ada mihrab, insyaAllah doa kita cepat dimakbulkan. 😁 mudah2an. and lagi satu bila aku buat jamuan makan, kalamsclan je dah dekat 20 orang. so bila ada yang nak tumpang solat jadi queue panjang kat bilik guest bawah. so i told TH that mihrab kat atas boleh je the our guests guna for solat. lagi senang, spacious.

aku nak something simple jer macam gambar kat sebelah ni but for now nak lekat kat dinding tu macam belum berani. takut tiba2 aku tukar fikiran, dah comot pulak dinding kami kan. sekurang2nya nak ada tempat letak telekung, sejadah, kain pelikat and quran.

and oh, rumah kami bukan rumah majalah. hahaha 😂 jadi, nan hado lah yang ala2 tema ke apa ke. we use what we like. trying modern classic tapi nanti tengok lah. aku rasa lah, ground floor berjaya la ada tema sket.. 😝 aku suka classic and kayu2 and TH suka modern, so we compromised.

kalau duit berkepok, boleh lah nak beriyer berkonsep. for now kitorang buat yang praktikal. haa gitew... janji tak berhutang.

January 18, 2025

Healing at Kusta Nursery Sg Buloh

i love colorful flowers and TH loves to plant stuff. ermm this is something new that i learn about him after almost 5 years married to him 😋 bagus jugak rumah landed ni. hahah 😂 terserlah bakat TH. so, when we moved here Oct 2024, we haven't really started on the garden. my dad started with 2 plants and he asked TH to go to the nursery to get some new plants.

started with pokok kerak nasi and pokok bidara. i wanted herbs or ulam2 that i love to eat ie ulam raja etc. and also not forgetting pokok kari since i cook kari quite often or buat inti karipap. 

and today after breakfast we went straight to Kusta Nursery Sg Buloh (KNSB), i just googled and we didn't plan all these. impromptu, after we got frustrated with our pokok kemboja that got eaten by the caterpillar! gemook kau ulat tu 😂

when we reached KNSB, we drove straight till end of the road, we wanted to see which place has more flowers. there is no nursery that i can recommend because all are beautiful and all sellers are very friendly and approachable. untung2 dapat tips penjagaan pokok and bunga. semua memang tak kedekut ilmu share.

we remember the last we were at the nursery pun about a year ago sebab tengah near CNY. we got a few types of flowers and also i get to ask aunty at the nursery how to repair our pokok bunga yang dah gugur semua. seems that the branches were still good. 

DIY tempat pokok melilit later on - from our broken clothes rack 😂

yang ni pokok bunga talang - nak jual RM5 each

ni la pokok kemboja yang dah botak tu 😪

sedih pokok botak tapi fikir balik later the caterpillar changed into beautiful butterfly kan? tak per lah, we help to feed 😁 haahaha 😁 kira sedekah la walaupun sedih.