September 8, 2024

Oh My Back! (Part 1)

i had this incident last weekend, i was warded at pcmc for my lower back/spine, or whatever. TH and i were getting ready to go to my friend's FIL's funeral, and my back just jammed, when i was bending down to look for TH's pants. i quickly straightened my body and that's it - i couldn't move anymore. am sure TH thought i was kidding but i kid you not. it was too painful that i can hardly move. i can't stand and i can't move. so TH walked me slowly (in pain) while i was hanging on to his shoulder. 

i got seated on the bed and i had to wait until i can move a bit to lie down. and after that i could not move anymore - and i was crying coz it was damn painful i cannot explain. it happened at around before 11am and i took 2 tablets for pain killer, waited for an hour, nothing happened. called the clinic for the doctor to come but i was thinking what if the pain doesn't go away?

so i decided to call the ambulance, after making sure that my medical card is still active. so it was my 1st experience in the ambulance, as a patient. i was crying so hard when they tried to lift me up from the bed to the stretcher. but the 2 MA's were very patient with me. 

arrived at the hospital in about 20 minutes. and as they transfer me to the hospital stretcher, i was still in pain but lesser because i was given an injection before the ambulance left. and to cut the story short, my medical insurance was declined as they say i can be treated as out patient. err hello, i had to call the ambulance because i was really in pain!! i am really unhappy with my medical insurance, takaful ikhlas and simply because i was a bit high from the pain killer i had no energy to argue.

so i was diagnosed with lumbar annulus tear TRO PID L5 S1 and because my medical insurance were declined, i decided not to proceed with MRI. memang time tu kecewa sangat dengan my medical insurance. i started paying monthly since 2015 kut and when i really needed support, they give really unrealistic excuses. and maybe some of you might asked, why pcmc and why not government hospital? because, i have a choice and with the pain score of 10/10 i do not think a government hospital would treat me as fast as a private hospital. 

anyhow, i am home after 1 night in pcmc, and that cost us >RM3K. medical bills are expensive ok! so, do take care of your health. so my lower back pain journey started. and i started to feel numbness on my left leg and once a while i get spasm on my left leg too. i had to be on painkiller for 4 days after discharged then i stopped slowly. i try to set an appointment with hukm and the earliest date i got is in december 2024! caya tak?? 😂
wahh sekarang pcmc dah tukar design cawan

bermula lah journey di pcmc

masa ni tunggu nurse kat ER

depa letak aku kat corridor je ko..
sebab ada emergency case kat dalam ruang ER

macam ni la kat rumah, dari 11am - 2.30pm

September 4, 2024


there are a lot of things to be grateful for. alhamdulillah, Allah answers to my prayers. memang betul lah, Allah akan berikan pada hambanya apa yang hambaNya perlukan bila tiba masanya. banyak perkara yang aku patut bersyukur, about my son, my husband, our home, my daughter. thank you Allah for the granted prayers.

  • my son, Joey has finally submitted his FYP and his graduation ceremony will be in October or November 2024 - alhamdulillah syukur  - Degree in Psychology.
  • Tuan has completed his pilot training and alhamdulillah he is officially a pilot for APMM effective oct 2024. may Allah keeps him safe all the time in his duty.
  • We finally finished our home renovation in SP and completed ground floor and comfortable enough to stay/live in.
  • my daughter, Lisa and i have something in common is sports --> netball, yey!
Allahuakbar - syukur sangat2. am so happy. and now, to actually decide if/when we will be living in SP fully 😋

hello september 2024

omg time flies so fast. i have watched many movies on netflix to do review on. not that i have to, just that these are movies that i feel like worth for me to give a review. anyway here i go again... today is the 1st day that i want to revamp my meal plan. i did my blood test yesterday and alhamdulillah my thyroid count is much better. now my next follow up in 4 months. 

however i do have other result that i am not happy with and something that i can control. maybe is that why i have been having chest pains, ribs pain, cramps, tightened joints on my fingers.. and etc. let's see in 2 weeks time maybe or 4 weeks, i will go and do another round of blood test.

wish me luck everyone. what about you? do you have anything you want to achieve in september? or have you achieved you goals in 2024 so far? drop me a comment so that i know you are here 💋

August 22, 2024

The Lost City on Netflix - My Personal Review

i have been on netflix since this afternoon and getting bored looking for a movie. somehow as i was browsing through the movie titles, the trailer featured sandra bullock and channing tatum.. i went "eh.. i love both of them and the movie is in 2022" so, yeah why not?

turns out it was a romantic comedy. and it is so me, watching a romantic movie. somehow channing tatum's character is so not like him coz in the movie he is someone yang macam dumb blonde. body hot tapi busdus, like dat. 😂 it was full of action and i loved it. just that i couldn't stop thinking about sandra bullock's age.. cant believe she is already 60 and she still looks hot!

anyway, the movie is about a novel writer who was kidnapped and the guy who is the model for her novel cover tried to save her. they both ended in the jungle, getting shot at but they survived. and like any other romantic movie/story - i loved it more when it has a happy ending. 

in my personal opinion - the story is not something that you will remember for days. it was a kind of movie that, when you leave the cinema you will feel happy and that's it. aahh i dont quite know how to explain the feelings. maybe tak ada ummphh like that lah. 😆
but ok lah to watch, it was quite light.

August 19, 2024

Happy or Not Happy?

how do you make yourself happy when you don't feel that way? urgghh.. i have not written anything for the past what... 3 months? and reason? busy? happily busy or unhappily busy? does it even make sense? actually you can choose how you see the world. you are the ones who define whether you want to be happy or not. 

people's level of happiness is different. i see housewives, being happy ironing their children's clothes. i know that is not my kind of happiness 😂 hehehe 😋 sorry not sorry but i am just not a housewife material. i see people happy going to the wet market like weee early in the morning - err i would rather be in bed cuddling. i see people enjoying or at least trying to enjoy their workplace and share them over their status. urrmm i know i am happy at the cat hotel and play with the residents cats and the flexibility time that i get not going to the usual 9 - 5 job thingy. 

so yeah, choose your own happy life, your own bubble. i am babbling - i don't know where i am heading right now. i should just sleep. eh wait!

i was reminded by someone that no matter where we are, and what situation we are in, always remember to be grateful and thankful to the Almighty of what He has granted us. and for that, i am truly grateful for having a comfortable places to stay in, food on the table, beautiful family, supportive husband, wonderful children, loving sisters... err.. hahah 😂 yes they are! alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. 

Tickets To Paradise - My Personal Review

well i am a lil bit bias coz i love  both of them. i have not been being myself lately. and somehow just now i just found this movie just added into my netflix. so i thought why not. it was about parents and their only daughter who somehow after graduation did the same thing like what they did when they were young ie got married early and i guess too young to understand what marriage is all about. 

what i love about the movie is the scenery -  it was in Bali and i really miss travelling. circumstances made me end up like where i ended up now. i miss being anywhere near the sea. i felt like i am being deprived with from what i enjoy most. *sigh

i miss travelling really bad. i wanna be able to do that soon - real soon please. ooh i have deviated from the original post. 

well, okay, the story is about a parent who was trying to ruin their daughter's wedding because they feel that their daughter is making a mistake. one thing that parents should not be doing is to mess with their children's life. let them make their own decision and face their own mistakes. let them learn themselves. stop making decision for them - stop interfering in their life(s).

i love this movie, love the actors and actresses and just love these kind of love stories, and family. go watch it on netflix while it is still there.

May 22, 2024

My Story

When I was at my 30s, I was skeptical about supplements because I take care of my food intake and workout daily. Yes, everyday. I play netball and alternate days I do weight lifting.

At my 40s I was still skeptical. I became a ZUMBA Instructor and getting more active. Until late 40s, I had a diving accident, I couldn't do any kind exercise at all that crumbles my active fitness world, I felt. You can search in this blog my Maldives Story. I was given the 2nd chance to live. Then I saw how ageloc helped my sister regain her health.

And now, I wish I had started at my 30s to slow down the aging process and prevent illness as I grow older.

having my tea at Double Tree Hotel
I became a Group Fitness Instructor in 2013 because I want to make sure when I lead a group of people, I want to avoid injuries on others during exercising. So that I know the right method etc, few months later I became a Licensed Zumba Instructor simply because I love to dance.

In 2019 health took me down after believing in a local entrepreneur's product and influenced by a local celebrity. Some people asked me, 

"Tak saman dia ke?" My answer would be 

"What's the point? He will win and I have seen some people he took down. I don't have the energy for that and he is a waste of time for me to deal with"

I recovered from my lungs injury by ageloc technology, with Allah's will. And I became a consumer since then, and slowly make it a business to educate people on the importance of taking the right supplements.

You can take whatever brand you like, but I choose pharmanex because they have the 6S Quality Process and I know
  • Safe in a long run
  • Effective
  • Will not harm my body
  • Will not harm anyone whom I introduce
  • The company has Bio Photonic Scanner for me to gauge the progress upon taking the supplements.

I just wish that you take into consideration of the following
  • Are you being monitored on the supplements that you are taking, if it works for you?
  • What is the point of investing on supplements but you don't have a data to ensure that it is working ie increase anti oxidant level etc
I am entering a new environment that affects my mental being. I have not been in this kind of circle for a long time as I was busy in my 9 - 5 work, and teaching Zumba classes and so forth. But now I know and I realize there are people out there who judges me and talk behind my back. But it is okay, my thoughts would be, "They have not been in my journey, they do not know my health and life story"

My emotions and feelings towards the talk is valid and my way of protecting my health is to be in that circle less. And if I talk to you less, it is because you have broken my trust and I do not feel comfortable to be with you. Until the trust is gained again, we shall stay as acquaintance. 

So yeah, that is my story for now - a lil bit here and there and I hope to hear your story.