September 4, 2024

hello september 2024

omg time flies so fast. i have watched many movies on netflix to do review on. not that i have to, just that these are movies that i feel like worth for me to give a review. anyway here i go again... today is the 1st day that i want to revamp my meal plan. i did my blood test yesterday and alhamdulillah my thyroid count is much better. now my next follow up in 4 months. 

however i do have other result that i am not happy with and something that i can control. maybe is that why i have been having chest pains, ribs pain, cramps, tightened joints on my fingers.. and etc. let's see in 2 weeks time maybe or 4 weeks, i will go and do another round of blood test.

wish me luck everyone. what about you? do you have anything you want to achieve in september? or have you achieved you goals in 2024 so far? drop me a comment so that i know you are here 💋

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