August 22, 2024

The Lost City on Netflix - My Personal Review

i have been on netflix since this afternoon and getting bored looking for a movie. somehow as i was browsing through the movie titles, the trailer featured sandra bullock and channing tatum.. i went "eh.. i love both of them and the movie is in 2022" so, yeah why not?

turns out it was a romantic comedy. and it is so me, watching a romantic movie. somehow channing tatum's character is so not like him coz in the movie he is someone yang macam dumb blonde. body hot tapi busdus, like dat. 😂 it was full of action and i loved it. just that i couldn't stop thinking about sandra bullock's age.. cant believe she is already 60 and she still looks hot!

anyway, the movie is about a novel writer who was kidnapped and the guy who is the model for her novel cover tried to save her. they both ended in the jungle, getting shot at but they survived. and like any other romantic movie/story - i loved it more when it has a happy ending. 

in my personal opinion - the story is not something that you will remember for days. it was a kind of movie that, when you leave the cinema you will feel happy and that's it. aahh i dont quite know how to explain the feelings. maybe tak ada ummphh like that lah. 😆
but ok lah to watch, it was quite light.

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