February 15, 2019

Maldives Here I Come - Ep 01 [MHIC Ep 01]

remember Maldives Here I Come which i posted on Jan 10, 2019? i will be posting 8 episodes of MHIC since i was there for 8 days ๐Ÿ˜

Jan 26, 2019: finally the day came. i just recovered from flu and cough. wanted to do another round in the pool but my health condition did not permit me to do so. i really wanted to rest before i can do my dive in maldives.  i had a sweet surprise from AH who sent me off to the airport. nasib baik i sort of asked, so his plan to surprise me did not happen keseluruhannya lah kan. alaa just like the surprise i wanted to do for him months ago in JB. so, yeah we are both well planned people about certain things, so at times, surprises couldn't work on us. 

i told AH that i have this uneasy feelings before i left for maldives. but after a while we both tried to brush it off our minds. he keeps on telling me to have fun. i think i will have fun, just that of course i will miss him. and having his sailing schedule just about the same time as i travel, makes it a bit easier for us. and i hope joey will be okay when i am gone since he was having fever. i have briefed my sisters just in case. 

this time is the 1st time that i took travel insurance for dive and travel just in case. and i am glad i did, just that next time, take from Etiqa, at least it is cashless. 

so, yeah the day came.. AH looked macam berat hati je nak lepaskan aku. i don't know.. it is weird feelings all together. as i entered the immigration area, i called MR coz he is already inside with TN and HS. one more person, TK who is still delayed.. maybe busy dengan wifey kut. hehehe ๐Ÿ˜€that was what that we thought. 

kitorang belum berapa warmed up. coz, entah, i dont know what to expect.. tak best sangat rasa hati ni tapi aku pujuk jugak hati aku. all of us boarded, and we slept most of the time. at least i did coz the night before tak tido sangat pun. 

arrived at the airport in maldives. 1st impression, gosh it is really hot!!  but happy to be there. we all went to where we were supposed to gather. it was just 5 of us. total should be 23 divers but belum kenal lagi kan. tau all the names from the whatsapp group but aku ni kadang slow nak blend in. so i need time. and plus, aku tau aku tak setegar diorang semua. aku dah lama tak active diving ni, baru start balik last year je kut. 

when i saw the air laut.. subhanallah... cantek nya. and itu baru depan airport okay. belum lagi sampai dekat area2 dive sites. panas tetap panas lah.. kitorang busy sebelum tu, masing2 beli sim card sebab nak pakai nombor maldives supaya senang tak yah bayar hutang phone bills (itu aku lah kan - maklumlah no phone pun office punya)
lepas briefing, kitorang ada masa untuk jalan2 kat male city sebab boat untuk ke boat besar we all it scheduled at 4pm. masa kitorang sampai tu masih pagi. so kitorang pun gerak lah berlima. TK yang lead sebab dia baru je datang maldives dengan family dia somewhere in oct 2018. yang kitorang ni maldives virgins kiranya. tak pasal2 kena kencing dengan sales ferry.. naik ferry sorang USD5 padahal sebenarnya sorang tak sampai pun USD1!! kurang ajar kan? ishhh rasa nak tampor2 jer.. but then again, tak pe la.. tempat orang kut, bersabar je lah. 
dalam boat transfer to the main boat.
dah jalan2 shopping2 sikit, kitorang ambik ferry balik ke airport area and waited for our transport boat. knapsack aku berat sebab ada laptop.. hajat di hati nak blogging in between time. akhirnya, tipu je semua tu.. hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚

to cut short, our main boat, called myna safari is nice and boleh la dikatakan luxury boat. cuma our bedroom, HS and I punya la comel.. hehehe rasa suffocated jugak but cosy lah. al maklum tak pernah dok atas boat kan. bila tunjuk gambar kat AH, pada dia dah selesa habis dah tu.. hehehe ๐Ÿ˜€entah lah.. aku tak bersyukur ke? 
our little room
thats US ๐Ÿ˜‰
malam pertama kat boat kitorang lepak je.. kemas2 barang2 and get used to the boat. aku masih stick to 5 of us, although dah start observing some people in the group. we all dah start masukkan all our diving equipment in a box provided. getting excited and nervous jugak. malam tu agak sukar nak tidur sebab terasa berbuai2. i miss AH already..  baru day 1... boleh survive ke another 7 days? 

enjoy the video ya'll 

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