December 30, 2020

Being Lazy is NOT Good For You

had a short reflection of what i am now, what i was before and what do i wanna be in the future. and i must be honest to you and myself that i am ashamed of myself right now? my revenge is not doing me any good. although on a more positive note, i do get to really relax and to my defense, i was injured so... yeah. 

maybe it is true what N3 said about me. i had a total burnt out at the office. my previous office. i live love the company, otherwise i would not have stayed for 24 years in total and true too that other companies may not afford to pay me as much. i love building people which i have done in my csm team. everyone of them has made me proud. but somehow throughout the years i have not gotten the satisfaction anymore.

i wouldn't say taking the VSS was a mistake. it was an opportunity to fly. to expand my talent further and be what i can be. only if i do what i have or need to do, of course. food does not come to the plate themselves. we have to look for them, prepare, cook and finally put them on the plate, right?

my mentor would tell me over and over again that i have talents and i agree to that. i know i do but at this point of time i am really really taking it easy and soon enough it is not good for me! goshh.. astaghfirullahalazim. how can i help people by being like a potato couch? whenever i stepped out of my house, i helped many. that is the real satisfaction. 

and i found this article as i was browsing through. and it sank in, my head! people, do read this! 

 click here → Things Unsuccessful People Do Weekend 

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