December 25, 2020

2021 Be Kind

i have been an over thinking person for the past few weeks. most of it because TH has been transferred to Sabah and we both are unhappy about it. having people telling me unpleasant stuff about people who works there is not helping at all. of course lah as a wife i should be following my husband. but i have responsibilities here. my zumba classes and members, my kids, my parents and of course my baby, mischa. there are so much to think about. 

and with my situation now still climbing in my business, not sure if it is wise for me to go there. i am trying to be as positive as possible. i think best is to be avoiding all those negative thoughts. maybe i should just write down all the positive things that i have and focus on that.

those who are giving me the negative vibes, i will just ignore because you are just bringing me down. but then again it is easier said than done. at times bila tengah serabut macam ni teringat kat JoeLis but as usual lah, both of them has their own lives already. as a mom can only doa je lah dari jauh supaya Allah swt sentiasa look out for my 2 babies. (who are not babies anymore, of course)

disebabkan keserabutan semua ni and orang2 yang menambahkan keserabutan dalam kepala hotak aku, tak pasal2 jadi serabut semuanya. nak marah, family, but kadang2 tu orang boleh bercakap tanpa fikir ke? tak fikir perasaan orang lain? ke, saja nak provoke? haissh malas nak buruk sangka but i am trying so hard, tau tak! jangan la menambahkan keserabutan ni. 

anyway, i have some things that i should be grateful about [listed not by priority]

  • my awesome family and we can still be together despite the nasty covid attack to the whole world.
  • learn more on online application during the pandemic and it lets me connected to more people around the world.
  • my loving and caring husband who always try his level best to make me happy and at peace although i can be a pain in the ass at times.
  • my zumba family who are always by my side no matter what and i am, insyaallah will be with them to help wherever possible.
  • my ST and Tsunami family especially the leaders who stays confident with my capabilities and talent in this business.
  • and always always grateful too for my 2 wonderful children, asset dunia & akhirat and i will always doa that no matter what challenges Allah swt put us through, help us get through it too. 
  • all the rezeki that Allah has been giving and is giving me all these while, alhamdulillah syukur sangat. 

and this morning... or was it last night, i came across this on social media and i wish to also panjang2kan doa ini supaya semua dapat manfaatnya. 

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