January 22, 2020

The 5 Things That Make Some People Magnetic

1.   Personality: a MOTIVATED leader
Who do people want to be around?
A happy, motivated leader communicates joy, passion, and excitement.  We do not want to be FAKE.  However, to compliment others, welcome them with a smile, and be positive is an attitude, not a personality.

2.  Power:  A PASSIONATE leader
I can tell when I am around a person of depth.  They have tapped into personal truth.  They are deeply committed to their values while still wanting to learn from others.
You only develop passion with exposing yourself to people of passion.  Read, watch videos, attend meetings, and digest the truths that transform.  People will become fascinated with what you are passionate about. 

3. Purpose:  A VISIONARY leader.
People follow CLARITY.  I am amazed that they seem to follow clarity over character!   Take the time to give deep thought to your goals, ideas, and strategies so that you can easily communicate them to any and every person.  A leader who has clarity will always have followers.

4.  Pattern:  An ORGANIZED leader
Follow the format.  Develop a consistent pattern of life.  In your work, work the plan.  Be predictable, loyal, and faithful to the pattern you have been given.

Work on time and money management skills.  If you can’t organize your day or calendar into a pattern, how will anyone want to follow you?  

5. Potential:  A REPRODUCING leader
Everyone has potential.  They have gifts, talents, and experience.  The question is, “Who is going to take the time to find those gifts and mine those gifts? People love to be around someone who is genuinely interested in their development.  Someone who is coaching them.  Someone who believes in them. When you believe in people and develop them, you reproduce yourself.  You develop your successor so that you can rise up in the organization and take a higher role.

It has been great days in 2020 and i have tonnes to tell and share. lots of incredible and wonderful things happening around me. i might do a backdated posting. just stay tuned! 💋

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