December 10, 2019

Seminar Motivasi Usahawan

i am taking all the opportunity to learn more about this business. preparing myself and get myself equipped with all the knowledge about the company, progress, updates, compensation, business and marketing plan for my next journey. insyaallah semoga Allah permudahkan.

7 Dec 2019 was the date that i was supposed and paid the ticket to attend the Pharmanex Training by NuSkin at their office. and on the same day i received an invitation for a Seminar Motivasi Usahawan at G Tower, KL by Dr Yulia Sari from Jakarta. I love to listen to all experience in their journey with NuSkin. So far, tak ada yang mengeluh, in fact all of them pasti ada rasa puas hati dalam diri masing2 sebab dalam menjana pendapatan, they also get to help a lot of people through their health journey. 

and on the same date jugak, my cousin invited us to his daughter's wedding. aku terpaksa timbangkan yang mana satu aku akan pergi. and as always, kita mampu merancang, Allah sets what is best for us. di takdirkan, ticket aku for the training tak jumpa, i attended the seminar and i get to go to the wedding and meet up with my relatives. #alhamdulillah, perancangan Allah itu adalah yang terbaik.

during the talk, i learned that at times, kita tak nampak peluang yang Allah berikan sebab kita terlalu sibuk untuk nampak perjalanan sesuatu destinasi and kita tak dapat lihat the actual goal yang Allah nak beri pada kita. 

Dr Yulia taught us 7 keys of success, which are:
  1. Dream Big & Believe
  2. Be Professional
  3. Learn & Grow
  4. Align with Company Strategy
  5. Massive Action
  6. Mentor & Coach
  7. Grit & Pray
Untuk tahu lebih lanjut in details of the 7 keys of success, you can contact me at and we will share the details of the business with you. Come and collaborate with us, where you can achieve your dreams! 

Dr Yulia - taken from her IG

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