September 27, 2019

Short Getaway Part II

masa aku attend one training, we were taught to think of something that make us happy or will make us happy to go through the day. so this is one of my happy thoughts for me today lah. throwback sikit. i don't know why la but nowadays jarang pulak aku nak cerita pasal AH kan. bukan apa, kang orang kata over exposed, belum ada apa2 dah nak tayang2 the emotion. although most of the time i don't give a shite about what people think lah kan.

but that weekend we traveled back to his hometown. betullah kadang2 kita cakap, or most of the time kita cakap kita plan tapi Allah yang tentukan. so that was what happened. masa aku pergi singapore hantar Lisa tu, aku rasa macam baik i take the opportunity to actually use up my long leave and pergi masuk pulau tioman since dari singapore 'nampak' macam dekat and mudah kan. ye lah, pergi je la jetty mersing yang aku ingat macam dekat tapi i think about 4 hours jugak dari singapore. chit... and aku yang tak suka nak travel naik bas, konon nak cari private chauffer, mengada je kan.. harus lah mahal.

jadi serabut plan aku, coz asalnya dari tioman tu, masa balik kl boleh la tumpang AH sebab he was going back to his hometown kat mersing. last2 bila pening2 AH kata balik je la kl balik... which tu la yang aku buat and end up aku ikut AH balik mersing dari kl.

so we took the kuantan route, and i thought i could visit my uncle kat sana tapi disebabkan jam, we had to proceed terus ke mersing. memang la perjalanan tu jauh but when you enjoy the companionship, semua ok jer. and tak de lah macam rigid sangat journey tu.
sampai mersing dah nak senja around almost 7pm. i took a room kat airbnb. korang boleh baca posting aku yang ni. Short getaway  then AH terus balik rumah parents dia. malam tu was going to be my 1st time jumpa AH's parents, well actually jumpa balik. masa betul2 1st time dulu we were just friends kiranya, now dah someone special to each other. cheyywah... #silajanganmuntah! ๐Ÿ˜œkorang rasa aku rasa macamana? cuak tak?

hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚ mau idak..tapi time tu aku pun sort of like pasrah je, kalau diorang terima aku, alhamdulillah. kalau tak, aku nak buat macamana kan. aku pun choosy jugak dengan pilihan Lisa or Joey as their partners. aku faham, parents will want what is best for their children. tak kisah lah umur anak tu dah berapa pun but parents still feel itu lah anak and they care. so i just leave it to Allah. kalau ada jodoh aku dengan AH, insyaallah his parents terima.

dont want to kill the suspense but everything went well. alhamdulillah. i feel like my presence are welcomed. cuma kesian weekend tu AH's mom was not well. i also got the chance to visit AH's parents' home and makan nasi goreng air fryer yang AH's dad buat. memang sampai ke hari ni aku teringat and i so wanna get myself an air fryer. bukan apa, nasi goreng tu tak oily. and aku tambah 2 kali hokeh! tak malu kan.. but tak pe lah, aku dengan AH je kat dapur masa tu... his parents kat depan and his brother masih tido kut dalam bilik.. ihik ๐Ÿ˜‚

kat mersing AH and is twin brother bawak lah aku round2 yang sebelum ni aku cuma tau jetty mersing je. tak pernah pun terfikir ada township kat mersing. jakun betul aku kan... kekeke ๐Ÿ˜‚ and one of our activity is settling my hareth... siapa tu? kereta aku lah. dah lama rasa nak polish and AH pernah kata kalau nak polish kat bengkel adik dia. so tercapai lah plan tu. wahh dah macam kereta baru pulak hareth ni. so itu je lah yang aku buat masa kat mersing. dapat round2 kat tepi jalan tepi pantai jugak. it was freaking hot okay kat sana.. agaknya sebab tepi pantai kut... hehehe salah ke teori aku? ok lah... dah pukul 2.35am ni... signing off dulu ok.

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