me, being a stay home mom for another week after being discharged from prince court medical centre (pcmc) was very relaxing and i have achieved a few things. you guys might be tired of me talking about the pain that i have. pain score differs from 2 to 4 out of 10. bearable but with pain killers. my puffy face dah memang tak leh cakap apa2. my legs are also swollen, belakang lutut, ankle.
i used the time that i have at home by relaxing, i am so glad that MrH was with me over the weekend. my only exercise was walking, not even brisk walking but window shopping walking with MrH and walking slowly for my standard. i still get tired easily and after sometime i will have to stop and rest. or sometimes, after a few minutes i will get dizzy while walking. so until today, actually walking alone is not that safe for me? i know it is so boring depending on others to accompany me just to go somewhere. what if i faint? #dramasangat but it is true. there was this once, as i was walking i just felt like i am leaning towards MrH coz i felt like falling. yes i feel so old! 😋
and that weekend we went out for laptop shopping for MrH. hampir2 jugak getting 1 for my own. bukan apa, kadang2 memang ada rasa guilty using the office laptop for my personal use. but nak buat macamana, facility dah ada, i am just using some space. and that weekend jugak we had our sahur at NZ. tapi kesian MrH, mee goreng mamak dia looks more like spaghetti goreng to me. i am sorry sayang, tak sedap sahur you.
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enjoy this cute fluffy face while it last! |
never in my thought that whatever that i am facing is musibah. in fact, i think everyone is facing their own challenges in life and it so happened this is mine that Allah is giving me. i am so ever grateful with all the support that i get from people around me. i hope my family and friends are not tired of me being sick. my mode of transportation most of the time was grabcar. or my niece, kelly. i tried to drive but it hurts when i steer the steering.
aahh eye lash perm!! started when my fav hairdresser sent out mass whatsapp on raya promotion at her saloon. what is that? i was curious. i just wanted to do something different. i do see some of my friends did eye lash extension. just that eye lash extension tak boleh bawak solat. so, errmm sendiri mau ingat la kan. hehehe 😀 so eye lash perm is just like you perm your hair but on your eye lash. eyelash perm does not involve the addition of fake eyelashes, rubbing your lashes will not cause them to fall off. and it is much cheaper than the extension. point is, i don't want to do something yang akan menyebabkan tak boleh or tak sah wuduk for solat.
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after: bulu mata tak berapa nak lebat so kena tengok face to face lah 😁 |
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next activity was apartment therapy. my first spot at home that i targeted was the maid's room. i cleaned up the cupboard that i used to store some of my clothes and even AO's clothes were still there. sampai dah bertahi lalat tshirt putih Porsche dia. and there was a box filled with clothes jugak, i sorted them out, some i washed back coz i can wear the blouses now. jimat tak payah beli. and found few long skirt that i can wear too. alhamdulillah. so 1 room cleaned and cleared! #happyme
next was my kitchen drawer of all the utensils and senduk2 masak. i don't know why i have to have few of the same senduk. and there are even old sudip that i still keep but did not use. so off they go. the word that helped me to tidy up was 'de-clutter'. all the fork and spoons yang tak sama i put aside. no i did not throw them but i packed in a plastic back and put it near my garbage bin for the cleaners to pick up. i was so happy to see my neat kitchen drawer after 7 years living here and left it as it was!! tessie (my part time helper) came over the weekend and helped me with the rest of the drawers and my tupperware cabinet. yeup, i let go all the tipuware and kept only tupperwares and ikea brand. those without covers, i threw them away.
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that's me at work, got to sit while doing the work. |
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what is left of my tupperwares. |
so next in queue and my biggest challenge is my home office. my plan is to get rid of all AO's stuff in there. already texted him and he said i can just throw away everything. then i need to sort the old files, need to rearrange all the existing files on home loan, sales and purchase agreements of all my old and new house, cars file, stuff from my previous dance studio, and also my workout clothes, which i will get rid of most of them. i will only leave the tshirts. since i wont be able to do zumba anyway for the next few months, might as well, i get rid of the small ones. ye lah, sekarang i tak pakai XS & S dah.. silalah muhasabah diri sikit ye. heee 😂 i think i should sleep. #missingMrH
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