May 7, 2019

Get Motivated!

Why do people say you can't do it?
Because 'they want to see you the way you are,
Everybody who are closer to you, a friend, a colleague, or somebody else - always want you to be who you are for them.
Some people don't want to see a change in you because they will feel your change is a threat to them
So, let that be your motivation and show them what you are made of 😜
#motivation #wordporn #gettoyourgoals #healthylifestyle #jomkurus #jomsihat #cergasramadan #kembarfafau #zinako #hadistory #akofitness #keepitup #fitnessfreak #fitwoman #fitman #fitcouple #tr90 #ageloc #90daysbodytransformation

Check out my IG @zin_ako for Fitness activities and.. of course some love 😉

GET your FREE ZUMBA Sessions in May 2019 when you sign up for TR90 programme, and 20% off from your monthly package in June on wards (as long as you are the programme)

Class starts tomorrow (8 May 2019 at 8.45pm during Ramadhan)
at Xtreme Hardcore Gym
No 8-2 Lorong Dataran Wangsa,
Dataran Wangsa Melawati,
Wangsa Melawati 53300 Kuala Lumpur

Please see @Azilah Zin in class. Sorry can't pass the card this week.

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