August 3, 2017

dah berat

when it comes to me, apa lagi kisah berat badan lah. nak kira berat dosa, macam takut je nak cakap or cerita. heh heh :D okay sebeluam ya'll muntah. this is real story okay - bukan cobaan. and this is not drama. it is freaking real. here goes...

last monday i was about to start my monday class when i weighed myself. and i was really shocked to see - urrmm not that shock lah but yeah.. a bit, coz i know i have been eating like a pig. i wallap everything at any time. ingat badan aku ni auto adjust to maintain weight at 55kg? memang tak lah! i weighed 61kg hokay!! dengan jayanya loceng kecemasan pun bunyik ni noo ni nooo... of course i panicked. everyone says i don't look fat. i don't just that i feel heavy. 
so guess what i did... i started my so called changed my eating routine. i don't take rice at night and replace it with something else. not as perfect but at least no rice coz it is easier for me to lose kg when i reduce rice intake. i am older now okay and yes i accept the fact so i need to try something more drastic.

and today is the 3rd day with no rice for dinner and i think i feel better... and yesterday i took the pre workout juice coz i really wanted to get to the groove again - get the mood.. if you know what i mean and class was superb with the energy from the whole class!! they were really marvelous!!

and.. and... today after many months, i start my PT again.. at least for this week. i hope next week i can still get time for my PT :D :D 

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