July 24, 2014

happy sweet 17 gurl!

24th July 2014: i remembered 17 years ago when my friends celebrated my birthday at the park in bridgeport, i was heavily pregnant with lisa. 4 days later she was born. just 2.95kg, i think... :D so tiny. about 2 months later we brought her back to malaysia. 

today she is already 17 years old. how time flies. alhamdulillah she has always been a good girl.. ermm okay lah.. 90% good girl.. other than that normal kids/teenager usual whatever... hahha :D

her close friends made a surprise birthday iftar for her at ge mall. when i told joelis we were going for iftar at ge mall, they just followed. on the way there lisa asked if her cousins fm wangsa mas are going to be there. i said 'no they are not'.. and she asked if zharee is going to be there... and i said 'no' again. she must be curious why we do not have iftar at my parents house as usual. by then i have already wassap aida and told her where we are... they got ready with cake and lighted the candles as soon as we stepped in cosy house, ge mall... hehehe lisa was surprised! :D nasib baik jadik.. hahaha :D

mama doakan lisa berjaya dalam SPM yang bakal menjelang tiba... insyaallah. semoga menjadi anak yang solehah.. and success in your future in whatever that you do. love you sweetheart.
friends since they were 6 years old. :D
tenung apa tu? nak makan lagi ke?

1 comment:

uncle gedek said...

She's got your smile...

copy paste!