pic credit: http://greenboc.blogspot.com/2011/04/kes-murid-mati-dipukul-guru-hukuman.html |
al fatihah.... ya Allah, hanya Kau yang dapat membalas perbuatan cikgu tersebut.. i read the news in the newspaper today and felt very very angry at the incident. where is your humanity??? what is wrong with you?? dont you have brain that he is only 7 years old?? why do you have to beat him up to that extend... and pushed him to the wall till the poor boy suffered internal bleeding.. :'( masyaAllah.... sampai nya hati seorang manusia berkelakuan sedemikian... kut ye pun dia bersalah, bukan begitu hukuman nya... astaghfirulahalazimmm... sedih yang teramat2 sangat sekarang ni..
dan terus teringat pada my joey... :'(

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