December 2, 2010

making it fun

though i have lots of work on my table. my mind seem to get distracted. i am sorry boss... but nevertheless, as usual, everything will be in place on time.

its gonna be a very fast december... everything is moving so fast... and today is already the 2nd in the month of december. goshh... need to finish up my target. yes, i promise will get back to work once i am done expressing my thoughts. :) ngeee....

december starts with the company's teambuilding... the next weekend will be kalam's troop outing, and next will be the run (which i am not so sure of doing right now) and the week after is another outing with my family to the beach... *phew*... wow... pretty busy huh...

as for the kalam's troop outing, after reading one of my office mate's fb about her mom, makes me change my errmmm... perspective about this trip. well, at first it was supposed to be a more relaxing in terms of place to stay and also expenses. somehow or rather once N1 has jumped into the plan, it turned into something luxurious. hmmmm... so.. i was verrrryyyy angry when it happened at first. but then again, i had a thought, ahhh what the heck... perhaps we are gonna enjoy ourselves anyway... but since she wants it to be her way, i will contribute according to my family's budget on a luxury holiday... wallaaauweehhh how does that sound?? ;) *wink* although how i wish kaiser would join, but i dont think it would be his kind of vacation :) hhehehe :D so, sadly, we are leaving him behind to settle his work and look after the house :)

we will be together again on our own vacation by the beach :)

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