February 6, 2010

my neighbours & our home

had a long day today. chose to get up very early to catch up with my gym session. missed 2 sessions last week due to our busy-ness moving house :P lisa had her replacement school day. poor joey had to get up as early as all of us. anyway, luckily me and my bright idea... kaiser to send lisa to school and i bring joey later to my parents' place. then i met up with kaiser at the gym. by 8.30am, we are done. headed for breakfast, then i drove to lisa's school. 

it was a good gathering. replacement class cum homeroom meeting. me and my big mouth offered to do the class' blog... duhhh... anyway the group of parents are not really in line with me... in short, tak satu kepala lah... :P different kind of thinking. but okay lah, i offered to do something. LOL :D after that, lisa and i went to fetch joey before we headed to our home.

and tadaaa... saw kaiser [suami mithali] sweeping the porch.. heh heh... :D rarely that i can see that happening.. or, in my own experience, it has not happened that a husband do that. ;) *wink* the interesting part was... kaiser was talking to a sexy lady next door!! jeng.. jeng.. jeng... heheheh :D and in jawanese, the word to describe was 'kisinen'. i don't know how to translate in english lah... anyway, when my car got to the porch, we were all invited to a birthday party. the lady who talked to kaiser was the birthday 'girl'... celebrating her 40th birthday.. ahaksss... okay lah... the creme puff was marvelous!!

oh yess... i took a few pics around the house :) errr... these are the rooms... sorry eh... still messy :P

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