November 23, 2007

had a great day! :)

As I was typing this I am actually seated at the hair saloon getting a hair treatment. This is pretty funny actually. And I sure looked like some geek trying to show off having a new laptop and looked as though I am doing my work… well hahaha… laugh at me if you want but… I just wanna say that I had a great day today and nothing is gonna affect how I feel about things.

I believe to have a great, it actually started from how we end the previous day? Errrmmm does it make sense? Hmmm okay as I am typing this now, I am getting my hair blow.. hehehe.. :D :D okay back to my great day story. Yeup… yesterday and today actually I attended a course on ‘world class customer service culture’ and I am thankful to my boss for giving me the opportunity to attend this invaluable course. Despite my really busy day at the office, I was really glad that I attended the course!! Mr shaun belding made the class really entertaining, cheerful, full of live and the notes were precise and straight to the point. I would recommend whoever wants something different and refreshing about customer service to attend his course *wink* and no, I do not get commission for promoting him but, I just enjoy being in his class and I’d like other people to get the same experience :)

Okay, look like I have gone off track a lil bit.. :P as usual.. :P :P where was i…? oh … okay, yesterday, while in the class, I texted MB coz somehow the way shaun joked during the class he reminds me of MB. So, in a split moment I decided to text MB and asked him if he’d like to have a drink after office and to my surprise, he said yes! Hmmm lucky me.. and bla..bla..bla.. we ended having a nice dinner instead and stayed for a while for dessert :D and yeahhh… after that, I had a good sleep… and started fresh today!! It went a bit bezzerk actually as my time in class was interrupted by a customer issue. Oh well… that’s work – so nothing much I can say about it :) and upon resolving 1 issue, I realized that we have another issue that has not been solved!! Oh dear and I started to put on my turbo engine… made a few calls at the office just to make sure I have all the information needed. :) and yeup… it is settled by the end of the day… well almost settled actually. The class ended earlier that it was supposed to be.. we took a group photo and I did not want to miss a chance to take a snap with a great speaker!

Went off with the rest at first when I realized, ahhh I’d better stop and have a few more minutes chatting with the shaun and ask him anything that comes into my mind about customer service. And you know what, I am glad I did coz it really generate ideas on how to get message across to my/our customers!! :)

Later, I wondered around at the mall, looking for a wedding present for GG. I had the card for her yesterday and now getting MB to sign it, and hopefully he wont forget when he comes and pick me up at home tomorrow ;P we thought of getting her a nice lingerie :P tadaaa… I had to get something that is ‘her’ being cheerful, cute, simple and sweet at the same time… not easy huh… but hey.. you are talking to a professional here… hence I got her a nice one within just half an hour walking around the mall. Happily texted MB just to update him that I already got the present. Okay that’s done!! :)… and I also got it nicely packed in a nice box and sweet pink ribbon coz, somehow I thot that is so GG… :D

to be continued... had to go and rinse my hair!

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