July 18, 2007

menghitung hari...

and today all of us, the family which includes my parents, 2 younger sisters and our guests from Surabaya were at the guesthouse, gathering for the last 2 nights before they leave back home. i can see that joey is going to be the saddest person when they leave. joey is very close to yu-bi... and also eg-gi. yu-bi will stay up with joey and play monopoly till late..:) joey and him seems very comfortable playing together... and eg-gi will join at times.

hati semakin sayu.. namun sejuk.. mendengar syarahan agama yang di beri ibuk kelmarin selepas selesai solat maghrib.. :) and joey joined the group as well during bacaan yassin...semoga apa yang di doakan... apa yang dipohonkan.. apa yang dilakukan, di berkati Allah swt. semoga ia akan membuka lembaran baru di dalam kehidupan kami sekeluarga.. insyaAllah :) and alhamdullillah, we are one happy family dan kami terus bersyukur dengan rezeki yang di berikanNya kepada kami..
selepas selesai solat isya', all of us proceed to kelfood restaurant for a farewell dinner for the group.. :) joey masih melekat pada yu-bi... hence, on the way home, i invited yu-bi to be in our car :)
and we are going to miss them... sebulan tuh kat rumah... dah best.. makan ramai2...and i felt like i have brothers at home.. rajin layan joey when he comes back from school... main bola... main monopoly.. buat homework sama2... *sigh* :)

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