okay sambung citer lain pulak... andy & budi called the next day... and suddenly my younger sister decided to watch 'jangan pandang belakang'...yea..yea.. i know citer tu dah nak habis... habis tu, dah takut, dah buat camner.. :) to cut story short, we watched the movie..believe it or not thursday nite.. 6 of us... and i was holding my pashmina the whole movie..!! it was really scary.. :D
and the next day, friday nite i had my theory class for diving.. held at the office with a few officemates. :) and saturday morning, by 9am, we, ally and i were already at the aquatic pool, shah alam. the tank is crazy heavy okay!! haha :D direct translation, 'berat giler', stayed in the pool for about 4 hours straight... and i looked like toast after that. :) MB smsed asking how was the session...
futsal!! got up really early on a sunday morning... sent andy for futsal... and i was there to support a group of friends.. ended up being their photographer. had a really good time! enjoyed the game!! apa hal ye dak... but i loved it :) my mom was a bit bising la... but since andy is playing.. okay la sket..heheh :D conclusionnya, best laa.. i felt at home with the guys :)
hemmmm okay...that's it bulletin for this week... banyak kerja nak buat nieh... :)
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