May 22, 2024

My Story

When I was at my 30s, I was skeptical about supplements because I take care of my food intake and workout daily. Yes, everyday. I play netball and alternate days I do weight lifting.

At my 40s I was still skeptical. I became a ZUMBA Instructor and getting more active. Until late 40s, I had a diving accident, I couldn't do any kind exercise at all that crumbles my active fitness world, I felt. You can search in this blog my Maldives Story. I was given the 2nd chance to live. Then I saw how ageloc helped my sister regain her health.

And now, I wish I had started at my 30s to slow down the aging process and prevent illness as I grow older.

having my tea at Double Tree Hotel
I became a Group Fitness Instructor in 2013 because I want to make sure when I lead a group of people, I want to avoid injuries on others during exercising. So that I know the right method etc, few months later I became a Licensed Zumba Instructor simply because I love to dance.

In 2019 health took me down after believing in a local entrepreneur's product and influenced by a local celebrity. Some people asked me, 

"Tak saman dia ke?" My answer would be 

"What's the point? He will win and I have seen some people he took down. I don't have the energy for that and he is a waste of time for me to deal with"

I recovered from my lungs injury by ageloc technology, with Allah's will. And I became a consumer since then, and slowly make it a business to educate people on the importance of taking the right supplements.

You can take whatever brand you like, but I choose pharmanex because they have the 6S Quality Process and I know
  • Safe in a long run
  • Effective
  • Will not harm my body
  • Will not harm anyone whom I introduce
  • The company has Bio Photonic Scanner for me to gauge the progress upon taking the supplements.

I just wish that you take into consideration of the following
  • Are you being monitored on the supplements that you are taking, if it works for you?
  • What is the point of investing on supplements but you don't have a data to ensure that it is working ie increase anti oxidant level etc
I am entering a new environment that affects my mental being. I have not been in this kind of circle for a long time as I was busy in my 9 - 5 work, and teaching Zumba classes and so forth. But now I know and I realize there are people out there who judges me and talk behind my back. But it is okay, my thoughts would be, "They have not been in my journey, they do not know my health and life story"

My emotions and feelings towards the talk is valid and my way of protecting my health is to be in that circle less. And if I talk to you less, it is because you have broken my trust and I do not feel comfortable to be with you. Until the trust is gained again, we shall stay as acquaintance. 

So yeah, that is my story for now - a lil bit here and there and I hope to hear your story. 

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