February 25, 2019

fulfilled weekend

i am not sure if i am a person who would like surprises.. maybe i do not know how to react on surprises done for me. but of course, surprises by people who are dear to you, siapa tak nak, kan? 

i have been feeling emotional towards end of last week. so mengarut kan.. ๐Ÿ˜€it was before the weekend came. and i know i miss AH so so much. but there is nothing that i can do about it. i would be lying if i say i don't have ridiculous request in my head for him to cut short his off days back at his hometown to be with me in KL. it sounds so selfish - and i dont want that. so bila dah kena control emosi sendiri macam tu, terus jadi emo and sensitive tak tentu pasal. or maybe dah dekat nak PMS pun ye kut.. hehehe kan akan jadi emo and sensitive. guys.. take note ya.. ๐Ÿ˜œ

since i wont be seeing AH, i made plans for myself coz i dont want to have high hopes on him coming to KL. although there is a tiny winny hope there is left.. but i try so hard to brush it off. anyway, he couldn't cut short his off day because his dad is away for work and he didn't want to leave his mom alone over the weekend. which is, very very noble of him to do so for his mom. ini yang lagi membuatkan aku rasa serba salah coz i really want him to be with me. no, i did not tell him that coz AH ni jenis yang kalau seboleh2nya memang dia nak fulfill apa yang aku request. yes, he is that kind of a guy. 

before i am with AH, weekend memang my lazy time pun... i am so glad that every weekend joey will be home. and kalau ada movie best2, i will go for a movie date with him. otherwise it will be the same every weekend. time for zumba, lazying at home, bfast with my parents and thats it. so last weekend AH was asking me what was my plan. so aku update je lah. aku tau i won't be seeing him.. pujuk hati aku sendiri.. tapi the nearer the weekend is, semakin sebak and aku start rasa semak melayan perasaan aku sendiri. 

aku whatsapp joey and make plans with him, pagi sabtu disebabkan videoshoot postpone, aku decide join gang zumba aku pi makan bakso...yang dah lama gila tak makan kat kg baru.. and lepas makan bakso and lepak with my zumba sisters, aku call joey to fetch him at his apartment. walaupun jam gila babas hari tu maybe sebab weekend kut. aku masih sebak.. aku try jugak lawan sebak aku.. aku try jugak bagi kepala otak aku supaya rational sikit - and jangan jadi macam budak2 hingusan bercinta and be more accepting and mature. haa tu dia!! ๐Ÿ˜œ and for sunday pun aku dah ada plan untuk gi hi-tea kat cafe my bff in valencia. 
bakso kg baru for breakfast
by the time aku sampai rumah lepas ambik joey.. dah pukul brp ehh.. 3 lebih kut.. so aku pun lepak2 lagi.. then terfikir nak cuci kain baju yang dah penuh kat laundry basket tu. sambil2 tu aku chat dgn AH. and i started to feel so bored and broken. bosan kan rasa macam tu. that feeling you are trying so hard to control.. dayuummmm... i miss him so much. and i asked him if i can video call him. then he said, he can't coz he is with his mom & dad. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ suddenly i can feel the blood rushed right up to my head. did i read it right? his dad is home? 

a part of me happy coz, again, i was talking to myself, if his dad is home, will i get the chance to see him now, over the weekend? but then again, he didn't say he is coming to KL though. hmmm... but me being thoughtful and sensible (trying so hard to be understanding) couldn't ask him to come to KL. but i am such a big liar. i cannot lie to myself saying that i am not broken. hahaha ๐Ÿคฃ ngek kan.. 

so i told him that its okay he cannot have video call with me and i want to hang the clothes that is from my washing earlier. he did call me later on and asked if aku merajuk. of course la aku cakap tak, kan.. coz sebenarnya bukan merajuk cuma entah... rasa blueecchh... and i know, the only thing to make me feel any better is, if i can have him in front of me at that moment. bila dah rasa macam ni, bila dia call, line tak berapa elok pun aku jadi telinga panas... relax ain.. control yourself.. jangan marah2... aku pujuk hati aku sendiri. and aku terus bagitau AH aku nak get ready for my movie with joey. AH pulak siap ngarut nak order royal popcorn lah apa lah.. lagi la aku hangin.. siapa yang nak makan pop corn tu nanti?? and on the phone conversation dia try jugak pujuk aku and i feel bad coz lagi lama aku borak dengan dia lagi aku rasa sebak nanti aku nak ternangis - so better cut short the conversation. 

when i reached the parking at the mall, i saw his live location shared with me.. and that is when i got to know that he IS coming to KL!! hahahaha nampak tak sis happy?? omaigod.. tak tau dah nak cakap apa.. tapi i am so happy lah kan... sengih sampai kering gusi aku ni.

to cut story short... aku jumpa AH kat NZ after the movie coz we both lapar.. and aku nampak dia duduk kat situ when i arrive.. aku terasa sangat macam mimpi.. expression muka aku pun dah lunyai masa tu coz aku tak terkata apa2 sebab memang aku happy sangat wehh... hahahah ngek la aku nih.. tak tau malu betul.. and all those actions when he sees me coming and seated beside him... haishhh.. memang mencairkan aku!
gambar sekadar hiasan... ๐Ÿ˜œ
it was a short but meaningful and fulfilled weekend for me.. i get to spend my weekend with my 2 fav guys.. 

thank you love.. truly appreciate whatever that you have done and are doing for me at this present time. for loving me, for accepting me as who i am although not 100%.. hehehe ๐Ÿ˜œ and for being with me when i needed u and layan my kerenah.

wanita hanya ingin dimanja... tettttt ๐Ÿ˜œ

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