November 9, 2020

Of Course It Works!

ok i am actually excited to post this but right now i am having issues with my laptop. i feel like its too bright but i don't know how to adjust it? the background terlalu menyilaukan. oohh ok, i just need to tolak the laptop ke belakang sikit sebab silau kat lampu homeoffice aku ni... hahaha terasa tak kurang bijak di situ? adoii.. dah penat sangat la ni. tapi nak jugak blogging kan. 

so here goes. aku tau hari ni, hari aku akan penuh. aku ada physio 330pm and aku nak jugak jumpa SA sebab dah due dia punya check point. kalau ikut kan dah due gila la, more than 2 weeks. tapi aku tau SA ni jiwa kental and dia memang goal driven and won't give up easily. 

i arranged his time at 11am at his request, and i try to get SR to come along coz she is the best person who can explain on the opportunity. simply because of her experience in NuSkin business and she is also an entrepreneur herself, owning a petrol station.


we both, erm actually 3 of us were very pleased with SA's result. alhamdulillah memang happy sangat. and lepas settle meeting SA, SR has got to leave to fetch her mom. so i had my lunch there, lepas tu pergi beli birthday present for LD - rasa mudah sangat sebab kat PCMC ni ok lah jugak. space ada, food ada, florist ada. alhamdulillah.

ini result dia after 12 days haritu. now dah 2 bulan lebih

then dah kenyang pergi surau, lepas solat zohor sempat transfer duit for my helper. then terus for physio. sebab aku dah sampai awal, my session started earlier. so aku sempat balik rumah, tukar tshirt, solat asar and pergi gym pulak nak record practise for our dance performance. 

ni pukul 1030pm baru habis grouping online meeting and penat tapi rasa productive today. semoga hari esok lebih baik dari today. insyaallah ameen. 

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