April 11, 2020

Top Achiever Daily Closing Challenge Apr 10, 2020

to be honest i didn't know that i was the highest daily closing challenge. because all i do daily is share about the goodness of the supplements that we have. actually we have lots of other things that people need on daily basis. the reason why i am focusing on supplements are because of the current situation globally. however, there are other needs as well that differs form from one person to another. 

but, my posting this time is about sharing my own experience and what did i do for this achievement. and i did this sharing today at the DC Challenge daily meeting. i had less than 3 minutes to share so here are the stuffs that i said. 😅

first of all i am thankful to AA our COE for the idea of DC Challenge. DC stands for Daily Closing. Thank you, because it keeps the spirit up for everyone and i personally love it also because of the daily product knowledge. those who made the presentation and some has demo on the products and how they react towards our body and the free radical that harms our body was so amazing. 

desire: for it to happen we must have the desire to have daily closing, no matter big or small item because of the intention to help people. 

mindset: that everyone can do this - the diff is the action(s) which some i listed as:
  1. log in DC Challenge daily and take notes
  2. write down name list
  3. keep on talking or sharing about the various products
  4. ignore +ve vibes and reply with +ve attitude.
i always remember one of my mentor SR said to me whenever i feel down or slow, she never gives up on me. for those who doesn't know her might feel uncomfortable with her. which i think that is good, until you really know her. well she always say to me,

"take your time but don't take too long"

normally when i remember this, i will just shake myself out of it and be a refreshed me. so no matter what speed i am in, must always have the desire and right mindset in my head and in my heart 💓 

"Use MCO to enhance your skills and knowledge"

i wish to first of all thank Allah for granting all my wishes. and if you want to know (i did not tell this during my session the group online, coz nanti panjang sangat pulak) for the past few days, after solat subuh, i will zikir istighfar 100 x and recite al fatihah 40 x and right after i doa to Allah to sedekah the fatihah to my love ones and also to myself and i doa and ask from Him whatever that i wish for. and alhamdulillah He has granted my wishes. 

also many thanks to my upline, my sister N3, SR, WN, KT and the awesome couple DH & IC our COE in the team who always give us the encouragement no matter what. 

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