It is a quiet long weekend for me. MrH is back to visit his twin brother who just got out of surgery for his shoulder injury.
Today is my hair saloon day. And also my moment where I would rather be quiet, reading a book, or browsing the internet.. or sometimes will fall asleep on the chair while getting my hair color done.
There is 1 cute maybe 4 or 5 year old girl who would just chat with anyone in the saloon. Rajin MrH melayan.. Entah la sekarang ni aku memang macam ni, kalau ada mood aku layan la budak2 baya2 macam ni membebel. If not aku akan bolayan and tengok je diorang.
Anyway, sekarang tengah rasa letih exhausted, tak tau kenapa.. malam tadi tengok bola.. dok harap la Perak menang, dapat gak MrH cuti tapi malangnya tak menang.. don't like goodbyes.. but that is how we are I guess..
eh by the way semalam masa balik dari PCMC saw 1 nice bmw yang memang aku tak pernah nampak.. aku rasa macam futuristic betul kereta tu.. kaya betul depa ni beli kereta macam ni.. bila aku nak kaya cash ni? 
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