March 31, 2019

Lima2019 Experience

it was a last minute decision. i have always wanted to go to LIMA event but didnt have the chance to go. i guess those times the reasons were not strong enough? and when AH told me that he gets shore leave for 3 days, i just decide to go since i am getting so stressed in KL anyway. i need my positive and good vibes 😜 😎 and the truth is i really miss him a lot or rather we miss each other a lot. it was tough getting a place to stay. hotels' rates are getting ridiculously expensive so we sorted it out by getting a homestay for the 5 of us.

it was hot and talking about the weather and the men in uniform..but i have my own man in uniform 😉 . masa mula2 sampai tu memang agak terkesima jugak la tengok ramai pulak guys in armed forces uniform. tapi takat tengok gitu2 je lah. hehehe 😁 coz masa tu dah excited nak jumpa AH. he arrived with DL in a rented car, first time naik mitsubishi mirage. ok gak lah. kereta biasa je. 

malam tu memang meriah makannya. aku dah fikir i am on holiday so belasah je. i had my sup ekor and ordered sotong goreng tepung to be shared berlima, itu pun tak habis. 

lepas dinner we went back to our homestay sebab nak keluar balik looking for live band. malangnya tak de pun live band kat tempat2 yang kitorang cari. end up joining the guys at mali mali beach bar layan music while they drink and aku buat activity people watching while drinking my mango juice.

the next day we went to mahsuri international exhibition centre and the guys used their work id to get a pass while i get to use their other official pass. hehehe 😁 bangga kejap terasa maritime officer.. tettt.. 

best dapat naik kapal terbang tudm. nak naik yang US air force tapi tak sempat sebab dah 4.30pm by then. dah nak totop. aku dengan AH mampu ambik gambar dari luar je. 

it was tiring tapi aku seronok sebab dapat spend time dengan AH and waktu berlalu begitu pantas. his team members pun lawak jugak.. those guys are cool to hang out with. would be fun to have the chance to do this again. 

friday came when i had to leave for KL. sebenarnya posting ni banyak aku lompat2 sebab penat type pakai hp. 😂 next postings aku cerita pasal homestay pulak (kalau ada mood eh).

aku termiss flight... end up took another flight.. and delayed 3 times! ehh aku boleh claim kan? 😂 sat.. nanti nak try. 

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