sekarang tengah jiwa kacau so my postings agak bercelaru sikit and there will be delay 😋 tak pe don't worry, aku memang macam ni. kadang2 bodo dengan perasaan sendiri lepas tu bila dah tersungkur terpaksa la hadap sendiri. masalah aku dengan terlalu optimistik tentang orang ni payah. agak2 la kann... dah helokk je gayanya mesti la dah berpunya - otak kau kat mana ain?? dah.. distance yourself - so i said to myself. masalahnya.. dah kena pasak katanya.. lol 😵 apa2 pun, orang tua2 kata jangan bermain dengan api, nanti terbakar sendiri... sekarang ni dah agak hangus jugak lah.
okay, back to original posting aku, which is about my 1st 5km virtual run in oct 2018 sempena Cats Month!
okay, back to original posting aku, which is about my 1st 5km virtual run in oct 2018 sempena Cats Month!
this is my medal i am waiting for... |
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this is my mischa whom i am running for 😘 |
i slept around almost 2 am coz waited for Kate to arrive from Lombok. and in the morning i woke up still contemplating - should i just be lazy in bed while waiting for Kate & Joey to wake up and make myself usefull!..the thought came that i have 2 5km virtual runs to do in oct 2018.
and today i did it after few weeks stopped running. went on a different route today.. ingat nak lari ke kilang tapi tak tau arah so decided to turn into my old housing area.. lalu lah belakang rumah neighbour that we used to call 'budak jahat'.. and ended up at rumah mok2 and saw his dad siap lambai2 lagi 😂 i am sure dia tak perasan. conclusion, i am happy with my result today. expected 1 hr tapi its less so oklah..
#nevergiveup #keeponmoving #zinako#runningfroggie #meniscustear#fracturedbone #postrecovery #training#akofitness #zlife #lifeofazumbainstructor#fitwoman #fitmom #fitover40 yes i have a set of gucci & prada bags under my eyes 😜 for not having quality sleep . #acceptyourflaws but macamana nak treat eh eye bags ni... lama2 jadi size L luggage bag ni... hik hik 😬
#nevergiveup #keeponmoving #zinako#runningfroggie #meniscustear#fracturedbone #postrecovery #training#akofitness #zlife #lifeofazumbainstructor#fitwoman #fitmom #fitover40 yes i have a set of gucci & prada bags under my eyes 😜 for not having quality sleep . #acceptyourflaws but macamana nak treat eh eye bags ni... lama2 jadi size L luggage bag ni... hik hik 😬
mischa, i am running for you.. 😘
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