December 6, 2017

migraine is my bestfriend

or some people can say it is called headache. but this headache was really really bad that i felt like my eyes are popping out. i wish i can hate him or dislike him. is that what he is trying to do? testing my patience? Allahuakbar... please please ease it for me. let me see his flaws that i can get him out of my mind because that is what it seems that he wants me to do. but being me, i always see positive things in people - most of the time. in fact when i was mentally abused, i still see the good part of my abuser. these were what i learned through my difficult time before. that i trained myself to be positive. the bad side of it - i get stepped on. **sigh**

can't be talking/writing too much about this because this is the path that i have chosen. trying to get as many distractions but nothing seems to work. is it that strong my feelings for him? damnnn

what has this got to do with the title???? it messes with my head - that is why!

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