May 1, 2017

be strong lil heart

as i am typing this the right word to express how i feel is 'sebak'. never knew or expect that it would turn out to be this way. no one else or nothing else to blame except for myself. i let myself and my lil heart got drifted away with sweet talks. words and the attention that was given to me when i needed most. never that i thought it could be temporary. wait.. haven't you learn already, that all that is given in this world IS temporary! the only thing that is permanent is at the Hereafter. yeah.. sadly to say i thought i am strong enough to handle this. i thought that i was in control of the situation. i was just being myself. a loving and caring person that i am towards someone whom now i know was wrongly assumed. i thought the feeling is mutual. but my thought was wrong. i was just another person that people can meet..greet.. and say goodbye. i am.. still fragile 😔 and i thought when he said he will always be there... is real

ya Allah.. please help me through this. i am..saddened by this.. very much that my lil heart cries

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