June 13, 2012

coral rehab, anyone?

we... are extremely busy at the moment.... nearest event is gonna be next friday.. other than whatever that is still on my desk. this is one of the reason why i am still here.... loyal in the same company since 1994! believe it or not... :) i enjoy doing my work and also the events coordination :) so, okay... our coral rehab is going to be in tioman this time. last year it was in redang... now is the rooming arrangement, preparation of goodies...lots of em!!! and yeahh... event is open for all...divers and non-divers. we have activities for all! 

that's our logo for this year :) 
what are we gonna do? we are gonna prepare nurseries to replant the corals :) yeup.. that's what we are going to do... coz we find that lots of coral are dead... and someone has got to do something about it... and of course, officially the objectives are as follows... (sounds so serious now :P)
  • To return the ecosystem to a close approximation of its original condition prior to disturbance. These will be implemented with the development of coral nurseries and coral transplanting; and 
  • To raise awareness of the importance of coral reefs, both in ecological and economic terms, through an educational programme. 
  • To promote Malakoff Corporation Berhad’s corporate image that is committed towards environment conservation; 
  • To promote and enhance client, staff, and customers relationship by having an activity together. 
  • To promote scuba diving as a leisure sport for Malakoff’s staff. 
  • To share the experience and strengthen the business relationship with Malakoff’s corporate clients, Wirazone customers and the public through such activities.
so... ermmm... let's continue being busy... :p

siapa nak join, masih boleh.... please visit www.wirazone.com.my or send me an email. 
cepat2 siapa cepat dia dapat... we have lots of activities and goodies to give away!  

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