August 5, 2008

the mini reunion

- 2nd aug 08 at crown princess

got an email few weeks back.. asking if i wanna join for a mini gathering. all girls, no hubbys, bfs, exbfs, kids allowed. i was afraid to reply back to the email, coz i am not sure if i can make it that day... but SS called and i just could not say no... :) and... after attending the session, i knew i would have regretted it if i did not go!!

it was a wonderful feeling meeting the girls back after many many many years.... almost 19 years??!! all of us sat at the same table... everyone was talking and laughing with each other at the same time.. i was the first to arrive... so, i had more time to give out the lil door gifts i got for every one of them... yes... Xango singles of course!! :)

topic discussed were... the school days, all the mommies talk, jobs... etc... and we are actually preparing for our 20th year reunion next year! and i am so looking forward for that :)

hey girls.... i really had fun.... hope you girls did too!! :)

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