alhamdullillah, with the extra that i received, i get to bring my parents and joelis for a holiday in langkawi.. and accommodation sponsored by mug dude :P we stayed at the holiday villa resort. thanks to mug dude that we get to use the government rate which is much cheaper than the published rate. joelis have been very excited about the trip. and joey especially, has been asking me almost daily, when we are going for the trip... :)
15th june 2007: lisa got up as early as 600am! woke joey up at 630am, showered... they took their breakfast.. our cab arrived at 745am. took the 1020am flight to langkawi via air asia. we were lucky that we got the new plane.. :D hehehe both lisa and joey wanted the window seat.. arrived in langkawi. called my sister [mug dude] who has been in langkawi since wednesday for a conference. she wanted to pick us up at the airport, but i told her that it'll be easier if we take a cab to the hotel. it cost us only rm16.. so, okay lah... only 1 room was ready since we arrived before 200pm. put all our stuff in my parents' room. my sister and i walked to the opposite of the hotel, rented a toyota avanza.. :D drove to kuah town for shopping. bought 3 pairs of shorts... it was cheap okay!! i went crazy... bought 2 pairs each for joelis. lisa bought souvenirs for her teacher and friends, and as usual, joey will ask 'how come, she can and i cant?' hemmm... so, joey bought a pen for himself.. :D got back at the hotel at around 5 something in the evening.. changed into our swimming suits, walked by the beach.. beach is beautiful and
clean. :) took a few pictures. :) later, went to the pool till around 730pm. received a pleasant surprise sms from PC.. [hmm it has been a long time since we last heard from him in my blog huh...:P]..well nothing fancy.. but yeah.. we do keep in touch once a while. later.. got ready for dinner. went in 2 cars as my sister's friends are joining us. found a cool restaurant with karaoke. hemmm yeahh.. i sang 1 song... but it went bluargghhh....:P food is good. love the crab... err i dont remember how they cooked it, but it was delicious! wanted to continue karaoke at the hotel, but joelis were sleepy, zzzzzzzzz with them! heheheh :D got to get up early for the snorkeling trip next morning!
16th june 2007: lisa got up first again, at 600am! she switched on the tv. we then took a shower, before waking joey up.. called my parents and asked if they wanna go for breakfast with us at 700am. the pick up van picked us up at the hotel lobby at around 810am.. took a bus to the jetty. the bus ride took us about 45 minutes. took the boat ride to pulau payar. 1 hour journey. i slept in the boat :D. joey cant sleep, he was so excited... reached at pulau payar an hour later. it was okay lah.. not that many types of fishes there.. it was fun going with joelis!! so funny looking at joey...hehehe... how he ran away from the fishes...:D and joelis got thrilled when they saw the baby shark! had packed lunch at pulau payar. took the boat back to the main island jetty at around 330pm. i was about to sms MB to tell him about the snorkeling, when i saw his message on my phone asking about the snorkeling.. heh...heh.. and we continued sms-ing until the boat arrives. this time the boat was really fast...and bumpy!! and we heard someone vomited!! yewwchhhh.... reached the hotel at 5pm something.. lisa wanted to stay in the room to watch tv.. joey joined my sister to the beach.. and i get the pool to myself...well, without joelis for a while :D hmmm best! half hour later, joey joined me.. later we had pizza and pasta for dinner at tjay's restaurant. the place that i once went with joelis' dad somewhere in 2003, i think... and it is still around! their pizza was superb!! joelis were sleepy, sent them back to the room and stayed with my mom... my dad, mug dude and i continue went out for the night looking for stuffs at the market... and got something for MB.. [arrgghhh... ally and angelina will be furious coz i didnt get anything for them... oh no!!] heh..heh.. my sister and i got ourselves a good foot massage session for RM30 for 1 hour. okay laa.. :D
17th june 2007: it's time to go home... pack our bags.. checked out after breakfast, took more pictures around the hotel and went to kuah town for .... shopping. my mom and sister bought some corelle.. i got myself a new luggage bag.. heh..heh.. took the 215pm flight back to kl... and guess what..??!! we thought of taking the cab back to our house, and it was RM161.00 for a cab!! gila ke haper???!! that's the return flight from kl - langkawi man!!! i got upset suddenly...gosh... cekik
darah nak mampus betul!!! busduss... and all those words that i can think of... but of course, i did not say them our loud lah kan?? :D :P in the end, i called up my bro-in-law to come and pick us up with his Naza Ria.. :D ..
we really had a good time... joey had a good time playing around with the camera...the good part of having a digital camera..:D he takes some good pictures.. and he will ask us to guess what pictures are those.. :D here are a few pictures taken by him and also some other pictures of us in langkawi!
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